Chapter 9

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Gromit and Kali tried everything to escape, even an attempt to pry the cage door open with a mini shovel, but it broke and they feel back down. "Drat!" Kali said, frustrated.

"It's no use" Gromit sulked, throwing the shovel to the ground "I've failed Wallace" Gromit felt like he was going to cry. He had completely given up. 

"No Gromit, you haven't!" Kali said. "But there's nothing I can do" Gromit told her. 

"Listen, did you quit when Feathers McGraw locked us up in the closet while he had that diamond in his grasp? Did you give up when you were accused of sheep rustling?" Kali asked. 

"Well... No" the silent beagle replied. 

"No, Gromit has always found a way to save the day and you're gonna do it again... somehow" Kali told the intelligent beagle, like she was giving a speech. 

Gromit thought to himself for a moment then smiled, knowing Kali was right. "You're right, thanks Kali" Gromit smiled to her. 

"It's what I do" The Adventure Girl boasted. The two friends then hugged, showing that their relationship had really grown since their past adventures. 

"We're just gonna need a little help that's all, but from who?" Kali thought.

"Cracking toast Gromit. I'm just crackers about cheese" the two of them then heard Hutch's voice coming up from in the bedroom. Kali and Gromit looked at each other, getting an idea. Gromit took a piece of the shovel's handle and used it to hit a garden gnome, activating the Anti-Pesto launch. Hutch soon drove out in the van, crashing through the walls and into the backyard. "HEADS UP KALI!" Gromit cried out. The two of them ducked as the van hit the cage, knocking them out. They were free. 

"Job well done you two, hmmhmm" Hutch smiled. 

Gromit ran straight into his greenhouse with Kali close behind. The eight-year-old gasped slightly when Gromit brought out his melon. "Gromit no! that's your prized melon. What about the contest?" she said. 

Gromit thought for a moment, knowing he had worked so hard to grow this melon and enter it in the competition. "I don't have a choice. I have to save Wallace" Gromit told her, taking a hatchet to cut the melon's vine off. It was a sacrifice he had to make, not for his master but for his best friend.

The gang quickly drove off and headed for Tottington Hall. "Lovely food, for rabbits that is" Hutch commented while driving. "Uh-Huh" Gromit and Kali both nodded their heads at the highly evolved rabbit while they tied a rope to the melon. 

They soon busted through the gates and onto the grounds. With the watermelon tied to a rope, dangling behind the van, while Kali and Gromit were riding on it like a surfboard. And they made it just in time to lead Wallace away before Victor could take a shot at him. Kali and Gromit waved at Victor with a smirk while he gritted his teeth, growling at them. 

"Hurrah for Anti-Pesto!" Lady Tottington applauded with joy. 

"It's getting away!" the townspeople kept crying out, when one them grabbed the gun and took the shot, just missing Kali and Gromit. Gromit gave a thumbs up to Hutch, who was driving. Wallace (in his were-rabbit form) kept chasing after them, but came to sudden stop when he heard Lady Tottington in distress. Now even though at this time he had the brains of a monster, a part of Wallace's personality resurfaced. Wallace turned around to see Victor trying to take the golden carrot trophy award from Lady Tottington, this angered him.

"Cheese Gromit!" Hutch let go of the wheel for a second, not paying attention to the road. 

"Look out!" Kali shouted as the van came crashing through a cheese tent. Coming to a sudden stop, with Kali and Gromit smashing straight into the melon. 

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