Chapter 4

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The van came through the gates of Tottington Hall and the gang saw the mansion up ahead. 

"Very classy, just the sort of client we should be dealing with right lads" said Wallace. The van pulled up in front of the mansion. Gromit tossed Wallace the animal catcher pole, he was about to snatch the first rabbit he saw. But the trio paused while their jaws dropped opened in surprise at the sight of rabbits everywhere in the field. 

"Burrowing bounders!" Wallace gasped. "They must be breeding like... well rabbits".

"You said that right" Gromit agreed with his master. 

"There's gotta be a dozen! How are we ever gonna round them all up?" Kali asked. 

"Only one thing for it lad" Wallace told Gromit. Gromit nodded to his master and pressed a button that brought out a strange machine from the van. Wallace connected the nozzle to the machine and placed the other end in one of the rabbit holes. 

"How's that gonna help?" Kali questioned. 

"Oh just wait and see. Okay lad, turn on the Bun-Vac six thousand" Wallace said to Gromit. 

Gromit nodded and turned on the machine. Soon Kali watched as the rabbits were being sucked into their holes like a vacuum cleaner and brought the rabbits straight into the machine. 

"Clever idea gathering the rabbits up without harming them" Kali told her uncle figure. 

"This will impress her ladyship" Wallace smiled. Just then the nozzle started shaking and making noises, it seemed like it was struggle to suck a rabbit through the hole. 

"Sounds like a really big brute, give it some more welly" Wallace instructed Gromit. 

Gromit nodded and increased the suction power on the machine. The gang soon turned their heads, watching to see something that seemed to be much bigger than a rabbit being dragged under the ground. "Uh I don't think it's a rabbit" said Kali. Whatever it was it became stuck under the pipe. 

Wallace gasped "Maybe I should've used a bigger nozzle". "Ya think?" said Kali. 

"Ah Anti-Pesto you're here" the trio heard a voice. They all turned to see a tall, skinny woman with a crazy hair style and an overbite. 

"So that's Lady Tottington... eh I expected more" Kali wasn't that impressed. Wallace on the other hand found Lady Tottington very beautiful.

"My darlings, you're safe" Lady Tottington came over to the rabbits. "My word what a fabulous job you've done and not a single one harmed" she remarked. 

"Ah the old BV six thousand ma'am, capable of a hundred and twenty-five RPM, that's rabbits per minute" Wallace explained while giving a cheeky grin at Lady Tottington. 

"How inspired, Mr?..." Lady Tottington tried to get Wallace's name. 

"Oh Wallace" the inventor introduced himself. 

"And i'm Kali, it's a pleasure to meet you your ladyship" the tomboy shook hands with Lady Tottington. 

"Oh you're too kind dear" Lady Tottington smiled to the tomboy. "Is this all of them?" Lady Tottington asked Wallace about the rabbits. 

"Oh just one left, hoist'er up Gromit" Wallace told his dog. Gromit pulled the lever and a man was pulled up out of the ground, but his head was still stuck in the nozzle. 

"Well that explains it" Kali commented. Wallace gave Gromit a signal to press a button, releasing the man from the machine. 

"Victor stop rolling around in the dirt and have a look at this. The ingenious Anti-Pesto have completely doubt with my rabbit problem, isn't it marvelous" Lady Tottington applauded.  

"Marvelous? Marvelous! this confounded contraption nearly suffocated me!" Victor dramatized all up in Wallace's face. "Besides the job's only half done. How do you intend to finish these vermin off? crush them, liquidize them? Victor ridiculed while he kicked the machine. 

"We're humane" Kali defended indignantly. She already didn't like Victor. 

"Humane!?" Victor snarled at the eight-year-old. "Well perhaps your dimwitted friend would be humane enough to give me back my dignity! I want-" Victor turned to Lady Tottington before he whispered to Wallace. "Toupee, please". 

"Oh grand. we take cheques or cash" said Wallace. 

"Toupee you idiot! my hair is in your machine" Victor snarled at Wallace.  

"Oh no it's only rabbits in there, the hare I think you'll find is a much larger mammal" Wallace replied. 

"Out of my way you fool!" Victor growled as he pushed Wallace aside and opened the machine door to grab his toupee out.

"I'm sorry my dear, but I refuse to suffer any more humiliation at the hands of these blundering nitwits. I therefore bid you good day" Victor said to Lady Tottington, but was wearing a black rabbit for a toupee by mistake. Victor then left with his dog Philip who growled at the trio. 

"Boy he sure is a nice guy" Kali said sarcastically about Victor, while Wallace had loaded the rabbits into the van. 

"Thank you for ridding me of a real problem Mr Wallace. Tell what exactly will you do with all these rabbits?" Lady Tottington asked. 

"Oh trade secret" Wallace replied with another cheeky smile to Lady Tottington while Gromit rolled his eyes at him. 

"Yes i'd be happy to let them roam free if it wasn't for the competition. But they do so love their veges, it's in their little bunny nature and you can't change that can you" Lady Tottington laughed. 

Wallace gasped as he got an idea. "Or can you" he turned to Gromit and Kali. 

"Wallace what are you thinking?" Kali said sounding a little suspicious, while Gromit gave Wallace that look of dismay.

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