Chapter 7

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They eventually drove out of that rabbit hole by morning, with the van covered in mud. Gromit pressed the De-Mud button and the van shook the mud right off, just like a dog would. When Kali and Gromit got out of the van they realized that they ended up in their backyard, and the giant rabbit footprints led into the house. "That's strange?" Kali thought. Gromit slowly opened the back door as they entered the kitchen, following the rabbit tracks.

They could hear the alarms going off, and Wallace in another room getting tons of phone calls. Wallace noticed the two of them by the doorway and went to unplug the outlet so the alarm noises would stop.

"So where did you get to lad? I thought I told you two to stay put. It's gone mad around here!" Wallace was upset with Kali and Gromit, as he had his hands on his hips. 

"Us?! Where were you? We had a near death experience with that monster last night!" Kali snapped back, but only a little because she was upset that Wallace sorta left them alone last night. 

"How are we ever gonna catch this thing if you two go gallivanting off on your own all the time?" Wallace said.

Kali was about to start arguing with Wallace before Gromit nudged her and pointed out to the tracks leading downstairs to the basement, they followed them. "Where are you two going now?" Wallace followed them. Kali believed her senses were right about Hutch, as she and Gromit found all the rabbits huddled together shivering, while they looked over at Hutch's cage.

"Really you two, you do realize I've made a personal promise to Lady Tottington. How is this sort of behavior gonna get us any nearer to finding a rabbit mon- ster" Wallace suddenly stopped talking. The three friends were stunned as they looked to see Hutch's broken cage. 

"Oh Gromit, Kali, we've created a monster. Hutch is the beast!" Wallace gasped, as he used the catcher thing to pick up the now slightly fatter rabbit. 

"But how?" Kali asked. "The lunar panels!" Gromit said, figuring it out. 

"They must've over stimulated Hutch's primitive bunny nature, and now when the moon appears he undergoes a hideous transformation" said Wallace. 

Gromit was about to reach out and touch Hutch, until the brown rabbit suddenly started grunting and twitching, like something horrifying was just about to happen. Everyone flinched nervously while Kali backed away slightly. But it turns out, Hutch only had to burp, it was a big loud one too. Everyone sighed out in relief. 

"One thing's for sure, he has a monstrous smell" Gromit waved his paw in front of his face. 

"It doesn't smell like vegetables though" Kali thought, as she got a good whiff of the gas.

"Oh Gromit, Kali, this is absolutely... Fantastic!" Wallace unexpectedly exhilarated. 

"Say what now?!" Kali questioned.

"Don't you see you two? Okay so we created a veg-ravaging rabbit-monster, but we've also captured it! Just like I promised Lady Tottington. I'll go and tell her the good news"  Wallace gave Hutch to Gromit, while the silent beagle seemed uneasy at holding this potential beast. 

"Make sure he doesn't escape, bye!" Wallace just took off, leaving Kali and Gromit alone with Hutch. Kali soon helped Gromit get right to work at building a rabbit-monster proof cage for Hutch. They finished rather quickly as they came back upstairs and barricaded the door, when Kali noticed something rather disturbing.  

"Huh? Gromit, you gotta see this!" she called to the silent beagle. The two found that the footprints mysteriously continued to lead upstairs. This was all so confusing, but they proceeded while noticing the giant footprints become smaller and look more like a human's. The two stopped in front of the door to Wallace's room, seeing that the footprints led inside. Kali grabbed the doorknob, but hesitated to open it at first. She slowly opened the door to have a peek inside, they were shocked to discover a pile of vegetables on the bed. After all the clues were put together this could only mean one thing, Wallace was the were-rabbit! It was like something you'd find out in one of those horror movies, plus it was kinda similar to the time Kali and Gromit found out that Feathers McGraw was a wanted criminal. 

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