The Café Continued

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A/N: Hey guys! Long time no read haha. I'm still super sorry that I just cut off the story and ended it with a cliffhanger. But I recently just reread my story and thought that I'd give my remaining readers one more chapter and who knows maybe I'll write again, but I don't think I will be because I'm going to be heading to college next month. But hopefully you like this chapter and I have a lot of ideas going on in my head for this one. So hopefully you enjoy it!

Austin and I are just sitting there at our table drinking our coffee when Harry walks through the door with a rather attractive looking girl. I really wanna know who that girl is.

"Who's that girl with Harry?" Austin says out of nowhere.

"I have no idea. I've never seen her before." who in the hell is she? "Hey I'm going to go ask for some napkins, do you need anything else?" I'm totally making up an excuse so I can go up to the counter where Harry is.

"Nope, I'm good thanks."

When I get up to go to the counter I notice that the girl is headed in the direction of the girls bathroom, so Harry is alone and now is the perfect time for me to go up and talk to him.

"Hey Harry."

"Oh hey Kenz." well at least he didn't say my whole name. Lol.

"So who are you here with? Your new girlfriend?" oh god maybe I shouldn't have been so direct.

"Uhh no, she's actually my cousin. Her and her family are visiting from Brooklyn." Oh thank god.

"Ohh, well that's cool. I didn't know you had family from over there."

"Yup, there's a lot of things you never got the chance to learn about me." Seriously. He's going to blame that shit on me? Its his fault we broke up. Fucking asshole.

"Well you can't exactly blame all of that on me." God he infuriates me.

"Look, I'm sorry for how things ended. And I know it was all my fault and I totally over reacted about it all. Do you think maybe later we cou-?" oh jeez why did he stop talking.

I see Harry's eyes have met Austin's. And that's what made him stop talking. Well shit he's going to have a cow because now he knows that I'm here with Austin.

"Why are you here with him?" he looks kinda upset.

"We're just friends Harry and he asked me to come try out this new café place so I said I would." Please just understand. "Can you just finish your sentence, please?"

"I was going to ask if maybe you'd wanna get together so we could talk?"

"Sure, I'd love to. What time?" I wonder what he wants to talk about.

"Uhh how about I swing by your place at like 6?"

"That's perfect. I'll see you later then." I turned to walk away and as soon as Harry couldn't see my face, I smiled so damn big that I probably looked like a crazy person.


It was 5:58 when I looked at the clock and my god I'm flipping the hell out. I really can't think of what he wants to talk about. But I kinda have one idea, but I doubt it'll be that.

*ding* *dong*

Oh god it's him. I ran down the stairs and said, "I'm coming!"

I opened the door and there stands Harry in his hand? what in the hell?

"Hey Kenz." he handed me the flowers and walked into the house.

"Uhh hi Haz. Thanks for the flowers?" I'm kinda confused, but I also think I know what he's up to. And I don't know if I like it or not.

"Oh yea, those are for you. I thought I'd bring them so I could show you how sorry I am." Aww how sweet of him. But sorry for what?


We went up to my room and we are just sitting here in awkward silence. Well we were. "Look Kenz, I wanted to come over to talk to you about something super important."

"What is it Harry?" oh jeez.

"I miss you Kenz and I'm literally the biggest idiot in the world for letting you go. I shouldn't have said those hurtful words to you that day. I'm sooooo sorry. And my god I still love the fuck out of you. And I just wanted to see if you still feel the same way?"


"Wow Harry I wasn't expecting any of this. But yes I do still have feelings for you. I never stopped loving you. And thank you for apologizing to me. It really means a lot."

"Of course. I felt terrible after that and I couldn't imagine how you felt." I felt like shit. Lol. "So I was wondering, if you're not seeing anybody, would you maybe want to go on a date? I'd love to start fresh with you."

Awwww my heart.

"I would love to go on a date with you! And don't you remember Harry, I said I will always love you!"


And they lived happily ever after❤


I'm still super sorry it took me 3 years to properly end this story. But I hope you guys enjoyed this last chapter. Thank you all for the reads and thanks to those who stuck through and read my story until the end. Love you guys!!

<3 Vero

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