~part five~ secrets and cheating?

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"Hey, Makenzie, over here!!" I followed the voice that belonged to Harry and took my spot next to him in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was actually kind of big. "Hi Harry."

"Hey, beautiful." That cheeky guy. "Boyfriend remember?"

"Yeah yeah, I know." Haha that sneaky kid, when I wasn't looking he stole one of my fries and smeared ketchup on my face when I looked back. That asshole. He'll get my revenge soon. "Haz, that's not cool!!"

"Sorry beautiful, I'll clean it." When he was rubbing off the ketchup with his napkin he was looking into my eyes with those wonderful big green eyes of his and for some reason I really wanted to kiss him. No Makenzie!! You have a wonderful boyfriend back home. "There ya go."

"Thanks Haz. Ummmm I got to go." When I said that it looked like there was shock in his face for someone reason. He was probably just confused as to why I just got up and left after that. Oh well, I guess he'll just never know because I'm not gonna tell my starting to be best friend that I wanted to kiss him. Awkward much.



The bell had just rung to get out of this place and when I got to my car, a smiling Harry was leaning against my car waiting for me. Oh great. "Hey beautiful Kenzie!!

"Haz." I said serious with no meaning.

"Are you okay Kenz?"

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry."

"Ummm I was just wondering if you wanted to go to this party with me tonight and Niall should be asking your sister right about now. So she can go to.....with us. If you want."

"Ummmm actually I was gonna go back home and go to this party there with Ryan and my friend. Sorry Haz. Actually whose party is it that your going to?"

"His names Trent......Trent Michaels. Why?"

"We'll that's actually the party I'm going to, so I could just meet you there or something and even introduce you to Ryan too."

"Okay, cool then. Well I have to go if I want to get there in time. So I'll meet you there then."

"Okie dokie!! See you later Haz!" I got in my car and put my face in my hands, thinking of what I just said. How did I honestly think that Haz meeting Ryan was such a good idea. God I'm such a dummy sometimes.

*~Felicia's pov~*

"Hey Felicia, wait up!!" I know that voice, it's Niall. Oh god what am I going to do. Does my breathe stink? Do I look okay? Omg am I actually asking myself that. Do I, Felicia Redmon, like Niall Horan? I think I do. "Hey Felicia."

"Hey Niall, what's up?"

"Ummmm, I know we don't really know each other very much yet, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me tonight. It's where you used to live and I think you know the guy. Trent, I believe."

"Oh yeah I know him and I'd love to Niall. Thanks for asking me!" Oh geez, I can feel my heart pounding. Yay I'm going to a party with him. "So can I pick you up at seven?"

"Sure, that's fine Niall."

"Ok well see you then beautiful!! Bye!" Holy shit he just called me beautiful!! "Bye Nialler!!" This has been the best day ever!!!

*~Ryan's pov~*

"Sorry babe, I can't go tonight. My parents aren't letting me go for some idiotic reason."

"Really!?!? I was so looking forward to seeing you though."

"I know, so was I but I can't, sorry Kenz."

"It's fine Ryan. I'll see you this weekend anyways. But I got to go babe. I love you!"

"Love you too." The phone call then ended and I was so shocked....she hasn't figured out yet.

*~Makenzie's pov~*

What to wear. What to wear. Hmmmm, perfect. I had chosen a pair of jean booty shorts, a reddish pink plaid shirt with the sleeves mid arm length and a pair of black Airwalks. Cute.

*Ding Dong

"I'll get it!!!" I went and opened the door finding Niall standing there, looking quite hot. "Hey Ni!"

"Hey Kenzie! Is your sister ready yet?"

"I'm pretty sure she is. Let me go check. Please come in and I'll be right back."


"Fecia? Are you ready? Niall's he-" I stopped and looked at my adorable but yet hot ass hell sister. Shit I think she's prettier that me. "You look amazing sis!!"

"Thanks, well I'd love to chat, but I got to go. Sorry Mak." And maybe she's even a bigger bitch than me. But I think it's just because she really wants to be with Niall right now.


I soon arrived at the party at exactly nine o'clock, but of course I'm a little early so I thought I would just text Harry and see where he was.

To: Harry

Hey Haz. Where are you?

From: Kenzie

I'm here at the party already. Where are you?

To: Harry

Oh I'm sitting in my car outside, I'll be there in a minute.

I got out of the car and made my way to Trent's front door and knocked. "Hey sexy Kenzie!!"

"Hi Trent. Ummm is Harry here?"

"Yeah he's in the living room."

"K. Thanks." Awkward.

"Hey Haz!" Wow he looked pretty hot.

"Hey beautiful! You look very nice tonight. Can I get you a drink?"

"Sure, thanks."

"Ok I'll be right back." Hey there's my friend Taylor!! Wow it's been ages since I've seen her. Well since I became popular actually. "Hey Taylor!"

"Hi Makenzie. What are you doing here?" I'm guessing she doesn't really want to talk to me much but whatever. "I'm still friends with Trent you know." She then faced a girl and said, "It's so funny because she thinks she's still popular." Then she faced me. But I was so confused. "Makenzie you aren't popular anymore, your just known as useless now."

"What do you mean useless?"

"Honey figure that out on your own."

"Whatever Taylor....god since when did you become such a bitch!?!?

"When you did!!" She snapped at me and scared me for a minute there. Dumb beezy, I'm ten times better than her. Who does she think she is?

"Here's your drink Makenzie."

"Oh sorry Haz I just spaced it."

"It's fine. Are you okay?"

"Actually no I'm not and I'm not in the partying mood anymore, sorry Haz. I'm leaving." I then shot out the door headed for my car when I feel someone grab my shoulder and turn me around. "Makenzie please don't go."

I leaned in and kissed Harry. Bam I felt something, weird I've never felt this before.......hmmm I wonder what it was. It felt like fireworks.

Harry then let go. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry Haz."

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