~part nine~ meeting the gang

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"What's going on?" Felicia I guess just decided to walk right on in then huh?

"Ummm.....Felicia we can explain."

"Then explain." She actually didn't seem that mad.

"Ryan and I broke up and I'm now dating Harry."

"Really!?!? That's great!!"

"I knew you- wait what did you say?!"

"That's great!! I never liked Ryan anyways and Harry's a great guy!" She said that happily pointing to Harry who is still standing next to me.

"Oh ok. Well thank you for understanding!"

"Anytime! Well I'm going to do my homework so I'll see you guys later!!" She walked out with a skip. She's just so joyful!


"Sorry. Yeah what's up?"

"I've got to go home."

"Why?" I tried to do my puppy face but it hardly ever works.

"Because my mom wants me home."

"Ok.....well I love you!!"

"I love you too babe!! I'll see you later!" I have the greatest boyfriend ever! "Oh wait! I forgot you still need to meet my other friends and they're also in my band."

"Ok that sounds cool!! You still need to meet my band friends too."

"I'd love too!! But I'll text you later babe! Bye!"

"Ok!! Bye!!" He gave me a kiss goodbye and was out of the door in the blink of an eye.

Today's actually going greater than I thought.


*one week later*

Today is Sunday and Harry and I have been going out for about a week now. I love that kid so much!!

Felicia and I are at Harry's house waiting for the rest of the gang to show up. The three other boys and there girlfriends are coming over to meet Felicia and I, the other girlfriends, of the band One Direction. This is so exciting!! We are so nervous to meet them.

*ding *dong

"I got it!" Harry got up calmly and headed towards the front door to invite his friends in. "Babe, Felicia, this is Louis and his girlfriend Chrissy. This is Liam and his girlfriend Audrey. And finally this is Zayn and his girlfriend Kellen. Guys this is my girlfriend Makenzie and Niall's girlfriend Felicia, which is Makenzie's sister."

"Hi guys!" Me and Felicia apparently think alike because we said that at the same time.

We all said ours hi's and stuff and soon wound up on the couch wanting to watch a movie but didn't know what to choose.

"I pick Toy Story!!" Liam bursted out into the utter silence.

"No, not again Liam!!" I guess they've all watched that previously because everyone said that in annoyance.

"Hey Makenzie, why don't you choose." Said Chrissy.

"Ok sure! Why not?" I headed towards Harry's collection of DVDs. "How about Something Borrowed?"

"Yeah! I love that movie!" I like Audrey now because of that, well not only for that though I promise.

"Ok then!"

Half way through the movie I got up to get some water. "Do you want anything babe?" I whispered to Harry not wanting to interrupt.

"No thanks." I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and went to the fridge to grab the water container. I closed the fridge and dropped my glass because Louis was standing right there. "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Let me help you with that."

"It's okay Lou, honestly."

"You called me Lou?!"

"Oh I did, sorry Louis."

"No, it's okay everyone calls me Lou."

"Okay, Lou." He seems really funny and nice.

"Well there ya go. Do you want another glass?"

"Ummm I got it- "

"No I'll get it." We both reached for the cup touching hands, but I didn't seem to mind as much as Lou on the other hand and I noticed that his face lit up with excitement and I think I saw him blush a little. What's going on?

"Sorry Kenzie."

"It's fine Lou." I looked up from pouring water in my glass and saw Louis standing there starring at me in awe. "Lou, are you okay?"

He didn't answer me, instead he started to walk towards me and pushed me against the counter and put his lips on mine. They tasted like mint and he was not as good as a kisser as Harry was. I pushed him and slapped him across the face. "What the fuck Louis!?" I whisper yelled so then no one else could hear me.

"I'm so sorry Makenzie!! I didn't mean to do that. Honestly I didn't. Something just came over me. Will you forgive me?"

"It's okay Lou, calm down. I forgive you. Just make sure it never happens again. You have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend."

"Right. I have Chrissy. And I should get back to her. Sorry again." Then he left out of the kitchen and so did I.

I took my seat next to Harry and gave him a sorry I took so long kind of look and he just shrugged and continued watching the movie.

Why did he kiss me? What happened in that kitchen? What if Harry finds out that we kissed? Omg!! These questions ran through my head the whole night.


Felicia and I were now at home and I was laying in bed thinking about it and the kiss was playing again and again in my head. This is gonna kill me. Lou better keep his mouth shut.



Hey guys what do you guys think? Why did Lou kiss her? Idk you'll have to wait and see!! :)

Also, I guess I had enough time today to whip something up so I hope you enjoyed it!! Don't forget to vote!!

Love ya!!

<3 Vero

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