Chapter 1

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Left Off: Shortly after the escape from her evil aunt and uncle the Tweedys, Kali and the chickens found a private sanctuary to call home. It was a beautiful island with many grassy hills, fields of flowers, butterflys, a pond, a tire swing, and plenty of fruit trees. The chickens had even built a few huts.

Kali was on the hillside talking with Ginger while they watched the other chickens enjoying their freedom. Kali told Ginger she had to go back to America, but before she'd go home Kali was going to be visiting her old friends Wallace and Gromit. 

"I just got off the phone with them, i'll be leaving this afternoon" Kali explained. 

"An inventor and his dog. Do you suppose you're in for another adventure with them during you're stay?" Ginger asked her human companion. 

"You know it. There's always something exciting happening every time I visit them" Kali replied.

The two friends continued their conversation until they heard a commotion. They looked down from the hillside to see Ginger's chicks had gotten into a bit of trouble with Nobby. Rocky tried to get them under control, after Ginger told him to be more strict with them. While Nobby, instead of being a responsible uncle, would rather play with the chicks and show them how to pull pranks on the older chickens (specifically Fowler). 

"Alright kids you heard your mother and now you listen to me, shape up there" Rocky told his chicks, until they tackled him to the ground. 

"The joy of parenting" Ginger sighed while rolling her green eyes and shook her head. 

"Enjoy it while it last, cause soon they'll be teenagers and you'll have new challenges to face" Kali lectured as they both watched Rocky get pummeled and cringed. 

"What kind of challenges?" Ginger asked curiously. "Puberty" Kali told the feisty hen, sounding a little menacing. 

Kali and Ginger then called the chicks over before they knocked Kali over in excitement. Kali was obviously not prepared for that, it was like having the wind knocked out of here. 

"Hi Kali! Hi Kali! Hi Kali!" The chicks greeted while they knocked the human girl to the ground. 

"Hi kids, nice to be assaulted by you" Kali laughed while the chicks still had her pinned to the ground. 

"Kids could you come over here" Ginger asked her chicks, in a calming tone like a good mother. 

"What is it mommy?" Ricky asked as he got off of Kali. "Are we in trouble?" Etta asked nervously. 

"Ginger for the last time I didn't do anything, Bunty is out to get me!" Nobby quickly protested as he came up the hill, followed by Rocky. 

"Didn't do what" Bunty's voice was then heard as she, Mac, and Babs came up the hill. 

"OK we'll deal with that later" Ginger gave her little brother a scolding look. 

"What's going on?" asked Babs. 

"I'm glad you asked. Everyone gather around, I got something to tell you all" Kali drew attention to the chickens. 

"Okay, I like a good story" said Rocky, already getting comfortable. 

As the chickens all sat under a tree, Kali explained to the flock she was leaving to visit her old friends Wallace and Gromit. 

"Who are Wallace and Gromit?" Nobby asked. 

"Are they off on holiday?" Babs asked which made Kali giggle. 

"Would you shut up about that stupid holiday stuff already!?" Bunty nearly shouted, rather annoyed with the clueless hen. 

Kali and the Curse of the Were-RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now