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[2D's P.O.V]

"We're leaving to go to the store. You two stay here." The bastard bassist we all know and, 'love' Murdoc shouted at me and Noodle. Russel nodded, "Noodle, will you make sure nothing gets burned down or anything while we're gone?" The female guitarist nodded her head. God, she was beautiful. All she was doing was standing there in the morning rays of the sun. She didn't even have to wear makeup or anything. She is just naturally beautiful.

I smiled a small smile at everyone. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes that were laying on the table, along with my blue lighter. I shoved them in my pockets, watching the two walk out the door. Now it was just me and Noods. I looked to her and she yawned, "Morning, Toochi-San. Did you sleep well?" Her voice was a Japanese and British accent that I loved so dearly. "Yeh. Did yew sleep well?" I asked in my shit accent.

"Mhm. I suppose you're going for your morning cigarette?"
"Yew would be righ'."
I stepped outside the door and sat down on the steps leading up to our door. I took a cigarette and slipped it in my lips, lighting it. I inhaled, then exhaled a swirling grey cloud of smoke that hovered above me for a bit. I heard smaller footsteps go to the door and open it. Noodle shut the door and sat down by me. "Could you light mine, 'D?" She mumbled through the cigarette. I nodded and lit up hers.

Now two grey clouds floated above us. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. "Yew neva come ou' and smoke wif me. Wha's up?" I asked, which I probably shouldn't have. "Well, I feel like I haven't been spending as much time with you as much as I used to." She simply said, her jade colored eyes stared into my coal ones. "Awh, Noods, yew know yew can spend time wif me any time, righ'? I'd love fo' yew ta hang ou' wif me today." I grinned down at her. She smiled, "I know, I know. But, it seems like we haven't been hanging out as much as we used to. Especially after Plastic Beach."

That broke my heart. My Noodle had been gone for a very long time and it had messed me up so much. But when she came back, I was so happy. We kissed once, but I don't think she thought anything of it. Horrible times. "Toochi?" Her adorable questioning voice rang in my ears. I snapped back into reality. "S-So'y Noodle. I jus'..." I gulped down some of my anxiety, "I missed yew. A lo'. I always have this fea' tha' yew a'e gonna leave again. Leave me again."

She was silent. I shook my head, "I'm so'y, I'll go-" I was cut off by a hand grabbing my arm. "No. Stuart," Her saying my name like that gave me chills down my spine. "I'll never leave you. Please know that." She said, her voice shaking a little. I looked her right in the eyes.

I felt myself scooting closer to her. I could almost kiss her. I wanted to, so badly. I was just inches away from her face. God, it was like she was teasing me by this point. "I won't ever leave you." Noodle practically whispered against my lips. That was it. I couldn't hold myself back. I leaned in and kissed her. I closed my eyes and just kissed her. I didn't care if she liked me back by this point or not. I soon realized something, though.

She was kissing me back.
But she probably just thought it was a friend kiss.
I didn't care.
As long as I got to kiss the girl of my dreams, I was happy.


After the kiss, she looked embarrassed. "Thank you." She managed to say. "Fo' wha'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "For caring. I could never ask for a better person than you, Toochi." She smiled at me with her brilliant pearly teeth. "I-I's no p'oblem love. Anyfink fo' yew." We both unlit our cigarettes at the same time, sharing a small laugh. We both stood up awkwardly and went back inside.

"What do you think sounds good for breakfast?" She asked, turning to me and placing her hands on her hips. "Mm.. Fo' me, I fink coffee and doughnu's sound good." She nodded, "I think that sounds good too. I'll make the coffee." I smiled a bit, "No, I'll ge' my coffee. I don' wanna pu' yew th'ough all tha' wo'k." She folded her arms with her eyes narrowed, "Now Stu, really? Making coffee isn't that hard. I want to make it for you, and that's final."

I love seeing that sassy side of her. It's another thing I absolutely love about her. "Al'igh', fine." I sighed happily and shook my head, getting out the doughnuts for us to share. I sat down at the table, my eyes glued on her. She was so graceful. Just the way she poured the coffee into the mug was perfect. Not a single drop spilling out. She handed my coffee to me, setting it down in front of me. I blushed, "Fanks." I took a sip of it.

It was just the way I liked it. How did she know? "I know you like your coffee like that because yours is the only one that's not black or brown." She simply said like she read my mind. My coffee was a tan color, so I guess it stood out from the rest. I shrugged and took another sip.

She sat down beside me and dipped her doughnut into her coffee. She hummed in satisfaction and smiled at me, "Try that!" I nodded and dunked my chocolate doughnut into the tan liquid, taking a bite of it. "Mm.. Tha's g'eat, love!" She nodded, "I told you! Now hurry up and eat, I have a whole day planned out!"

A/N: Whew! This chapter was adorable to write. I absolutely love 2Nu. Words: 1019

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