5 Whitney: Hurt Ankles, Hurt Dreams...

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Whitney: Hurt Ankles, Hurt Dreams...

I waited anxiously. I limped over and sat down next to Nathan. As soon as I sat down, he got up and moved to another seat I stared at him. Half because I was waiting to see what would happen with my future and half because I couldn't believe he had so openly dissed me. I was astonished, and I thought he might have a crush on me. Yeah, right!

He mumbled a lot of "uhuh"s and "sure"s. "Seth accidently hit her with the bus" ......... "No, we think she's fine. It just hurts her to walk." ..... "Whitney." He looked at me thoughtfully when he said my name. "Uhuh. Yeah, ok sure. Ok, I'll talk to you later." ..... "Love you too, mom. Bye." He said, and then hung up the phone.

He looked first at Brody, and then at me. "Mom said we have to take her to the hospital, and make sure she's ok. Then we can take her to meet mom and dad." Nathan talked about me as though I weren't in the room.

"Well, I guess we should take her to the hospital." Amber said.

Nathan pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket. "Mom's calling back." He said. He answered the phone with a confused look on his face. "Hello?" He asked.

"Oh, ok. Yeah." Nathan said, "Seth, she wants to talk to you."

Seth took the phone cautiously, and put it up to his ear.

"Hi, mom. Have I ever told you how incredibly wonderfully merciful you are?" He said cheerfully, "I haven't? Well... I'm telling you now."

"It was an accident, I didn't just wake up and say 'I'm gonna try and kill a perfectly innocent teenage girl today.' I've already told her how incredibly sorry I am."

"Yeah, I figured."

"Yeah, Ok. I love you too. Bye." Seth hung up and handed the phone back to Nathan.

It was a funny conversation. It started out with Seth being all cheerful, and went to him being sad. I figured he had gotten in trouble.

While all this was happening Brody had managed to sneak out of the room. A few moments after everyone realized he was gone; he came strolling back into the room.

"The hospital said that we can bring her in, in about fifteen... twenty minutes." He said.

"Where's Ronnie?" Keah asked, referring to the bus driver.

"I'm right here." Ronnie said, walking out of one of the back rooms.

"Good, we need to get to the hospital." Amber told him.

"It might take a while; I don't know where the hospital is." Ronnie explained.

Keah spoke up, "Jacob says he knows."

Jacob? Oh, I had forgotten he was here.

"Alright, well get him up here." Ronnie said from the front of the bus.

Jacob looked at Keah.

"Don't worry, I'll come with you." Keah said.

Less than ten minutes later we were parked outside the hospital. Seth and Jacob were helping me into the building. Nathan and Ronnie stayed in the bus. When I was going down the stairs of the bus, I saw Nathan grab an acoustic guitar, and go into one of the back rooms. I guess he must be song writing. Inspired by the hospital, how much weirder could he get?

Jacob helped me into a chair, while Seth went to the front desk to let them know we had arrived. There weren't many people in the hospital, and the few that were, were all over the age of fifty.

So none of us had to worry about screaming fans, which is a good thing at a time like this. It was barely ten minutes before the nurse called my name. Jacob helped me into the room they had for me, and stayed with me while the doctor took some x-rays.

"Looks like it's sprained." Dr. Zwellhime said.

"Crap." I replied.

Jacob shook with laughter.

"It's not horrible, But we do have to wrap it for you. You can get it off in about a week, maybe less. But when you get it off you'll have to rest your foot, and not walk too much."

"Alright." I sighed.

As the doctor wrapped my leg in some weird stuff, that smelled amazing by the way, I sat there, thinking about how much my life would change if I went on tour with the Parker'.

I wanted to go; I was dying to go, actually. I was desperate for change, for something new, and different, but I didn't want to have to leave Jacob.

Things were happening so fast. Was it just yesterday that I met the Parker Brothers? Maybe the day before, and I'm already planning on spending at least the rest of the year with them.

I just met them and their good people, I really like them a lot, yet Jacob is the one in here with me. He's the one who has been by my side the last three years. He's really the only person I've had. No, I didn't want to leave Jacob, but I wanted change more than I wanted to be with him.

I had made up my mind; it now depends on what Mr. and Mrs. Parker decide on.

When I came out, into the waiting room, with my Caribbean blue cast on, Nathan was the only one sitting there, waiting for me.

"I'm guessing it's broken?" He said sarcastically, "How do you feel?"

"I'm wonderful." I rolled my eyes, "Actually it's not that bad. Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They all went to the cafeteria to get something to eat." Nathan replied, "I wasn't hungry, so I stayed. We can go down there if you want."

"I'd rather not. I'm not hungry either, and my ankle kind of hurts." I laughed.

The doctor said I didn't need crutches, so they didn't give them to me.

"I'm starving, Whit, I'm gonna go join everyone else." Jacob signed to me, as he winked at Nathan.

Nathan got a confuse look on his face. Wonder what that was about? I nodded, and Jacob left.

Jacob had been helping me walk. He left me standing about five feet from the chairs, or anything to help me with my balance.

I slowly began to wobble my way to a chair. Nathan just stood and watched me.

It would be nice if you would help me. I thought.

I was about three feet away now. I took another step, and that was it. I started falling towards the concrete floor. Thank goodness for Nathan. He was fast enough to catch me, before I hit the ground. He had me cradled like a baby in his arms. Of course, everyone chooses this moment to return. Everyone gave us quizzical looks, except for Jacob. He just stood there smiling, as though he had just saved the world from a meteorite that would destroy the whole planet within a matter of seconds.

Did he plan for this to happen? He couldn't possible know I like Nathan, I hadn't told anyone.

"Uh...uhm, she fell. I was just trying to make sure she doesn't break anything else." Nathan explained, still holding me in his arms.

"The doctor said I'm free to leave." I told everyone.

"Ok, let's go." Brody said, as he headed for the door.

"Do you want me to carry you, or can you walk?" Nathan whispered.

"If it's not too much trouble it would be amazing if you could carry me." I whispered back, "It hurts to walk, and you saw me try to walk, we'd be here till tomorrow."

Nathan laughed, and began to walk.

This sucks. He'll never like me. I thought, smiling up at him.

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