Meeting the Children of Hades

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson, nor Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does

A few months later

Thalia's POV:

We were sitting in one of Percy's mom's new cars, a four door Dodge Viper I think it is. I'm currently wearing the dress Percy got for me along with the heels and the flower. Now, I'm not one to wear dresses but this fits me perfectly, I can reach my shield Agis and my spear which was disguised as a canister of mace, much like Percy's. Though, I still hate dresses and I even had to grow out my hair out which I did not like. I'm brought out of my internal grumblings by Luke laughing at my face.

"What are you looking at Castellan?" I say aggressively causing him to put his hands up in mock surrender

"Oh, nothing Thals, you just look really nice. In fact, we all look 'Expensive'. Percy how much did this cost you?" Luke asked to the person who was looking out of the front passenger window and apparently didn't hear

I sighed and looked at Percy to see him staring out of the window, deep in thought. The only que that he was still awake was the fact that he was twisting a silver ring on his finger.

"Hey Kelp Head!" I yelled at him before kicking his chair making him shake himself out of his internal musings and looking at us

"Yes, I did buy this. why do you ask?" He responds thinking that's what we were talking about

"Sweetie, they asked how much your outfits cost, and I have to agree, you can't just go around buying expensive things with that card" Sally said and Percy smiled

"They didn't cost much, I just owe Phoenix a favor. Well, two favors for the legendary Mythomagic guardian booster pack." Percy says holding up a pack of mythomagic cards

"Whatever, how did you even convince me to wear this?" I complained causing Percy to smirk and look at Luke and Annabeth 'Oh no'

"Do you want the real reason? Or do you want the version she is trying to force on me?" Percy asks the two

"The real reason" Luke says before casting a sideways glance at me and I'm sure I paled slightly

"Well, she actually was extrem..." Percy started before I saw us arrive at Westover hall and noticed Grover standing outside looking relieved

"Oh look! We're here! Come on guys we need to do our job" I say hastily as Sally parks the car and I get out careful not to stumble over my heels

I felt my hair touch my shoulder blades as Grover stared at me, his mouth wide open and I held in a laugh.

Percy's POV:

'Oh, Come on!' Instinct complained and I chuckled as Thalia interrupted us from telling Luke and Annabeth that Thalia was excited to wear the dress

I kissed my mom on the cheek before I climbed out of the car and closed the door. I saw Grover with his mouth open as Thalia laughed at him. I smiled as Annabeth and Luke walked up, their arms interlocked, and acting like a real couple. I shook my head slightly to keep focused, I walked up to Grover and shook him to bring him out of his state of shock.

"G-man, come on. You're supposed to lead us to the dance to pick up the two demigods" I whisper in his ear and he nods as he turns around and leads us to the front door as my mom drives off

'They're close' Instinct informs me and I put my right hand on silver ring that I had on my left hand and fiddle with the ring

'I know, I can feel their presence. But remember, if a monster attacks the two kids of Hades, we need to move 'fast'' I reply mentally and Instinct nods

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