•Chapter Nine: Torture•

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The necklace started to burn in my palm, and I gave Natsu the 'look'. He nodded, gave me a good luck hug, and smiled. "I-uh, you know what? Never mind." I giggled softly, then hopped out of the door. "G'night, Natsu." closing the heavily wooded door behind me, I followed my instincts. Supposedly, the chain was going to act as my Guiding Star. Nope, just my instincts. I sighed, turned a few corners, winded up a path, and did cartwheels over a river. "Heartfilia. Over here, now," I wasn't even that far from Natsu's--our house. I could still see it. Natsu's face was pressed up against the glass to see how I was doing. Luckily, Hurricane couldn't see. "Hurricane," I spat, glaring at his advancing figure. "Give me what I desire, Heartfilia. Give me it," I took a panicked step back as he got too close for comfort.

"What do you want?" I was rendered utterly addled when he latched his lips on to my collarbone. "What the frick? Get away from me!" I pushed him away, resulting in an angered grunt from Hurricane. "Give me it, give me the power." I shook my head. "Never! I don't even know what you are blabbering on about, but I will never give you what you want!" anger turned to hunger real quick. "Well then, you'll just have to satisfy me in another way," pushing me to the ground, his eyes filled with covet. I scrambled backward, and bumped into the trunk of a tree. I stared at Natsu desperately, then remembered that I would die if anyone followed me. I shook my head, and decided to face whatever was going to happen to me head-on.

Hurricane grabbed my shoulders, and slammed my head into the ground. "Are you ready for torture?" I flinched, and nodded hesitantly. "Ye-yes sir,"

"Let's set down some rules, call me master until you're dead,"

I nodded.

"No playing any games. You will sleep when I tell you to,"

I nodded again.

"No funny business,"


"You cannot be with that Natsu guy,"

I felt something inside me snap. "Bu t I need to be with him! I can't stand to be without him!" I started to struggled against his firm grasp, slowly sliding out. He could not tell. When I was finally able to get back up, he noticed my attempt at escape, and sat on my stomach. It suddenly became very difficult to breathe. I let out strangled cries, trying desperately to get away. "This is funny business. Now, I must punish you," taking out a whip from behind his back, he tied it around my throat and pulled, tightening it. "Waaah!" I screamed soundlessly. He snickered, then stomped on my chest numerous times. Breath immediately escaped my grasp, and I turned my head slightly to look at him. He looked horrified, helpless even. She would die if he came near, the necklace would count it as following. But it seemed like she was going through even worse pain then he could imagine. "Natsu..."

Natsu's POV

I watched as she was tormented by the sneaky little man. I hated him with a passion. We shouldn't have gone on that mission... Mavis, I'm such an idiot. I saw her turn to me, a displeasing look on her face. "Luce!" I shouted, slamming my hand on to the glass window. The glass shattered and toppled to the floor, cutting my hands. I guess Hurricane heard, because he looked my way, and he stood right up. Instead of running towards me like I thought he would, he set off into the woods. Jumping through the bare window, I yelled Lucy's name over and over again. She was barely moving, and her pulse wasn't strong... I could feel how weak she was from here. When I reached her, my fists clenched, and I laid my forehead on Lucy's. "Natsu..." she shivered. "Help..." I carried her inside, setting her down on the kitchen counter and grabbing the random first aid kit in the room. I gave her a water bottle which she chugged down relentlessly. "More," her voice was scratchy and hoarse, and I cringed. "You need rest,"

"No! I will not sleep. I can't go to that hellhole again. No, not again." I engulfed her in my protecting arms, hearing her thoughts.

"Natsu... God, how can I resist you when you're so caring? I just wanna--no! Stop thinking like that! You know he doesn't love you, so why bother?" Her thoughts confused me. I don't love her? How could I not love her? I sighed, breathing in her hard scent. "Luce..." I mumbled subconsciously. Her head shot up from my chest, and I looked at her. Her eyes were filled with happiness, sorrow, and tears. "Can we just run away for a little while? Take Happy with us?" taken aback by her question, my mind eased. "Of course, whatever you need, Luce." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, and her face flushed. "Y-y-you just k-k-k-kiss..." I chuckled at her flabbergasted tone. "Let's just go to bed, dummy!"

I ran into our room, testing how fast Lucy could go. She was stumbling and tripping, so I had to assist her to bed. "Baka, I could've done that on my own..." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you say," I turned away and whistled, trying to avoid getting him in the head by her book. (that appeared at random, unfortunate moments.) Lifting the covers, I pushed her down on the bed, and got in on my side. I was so traumatized, I couldn't fall asleep. Man, today was a long day...

Hey there! First of all, sorry for the short update. I just feel like I shouldn't let it go any further today. :3 also I'm in a publishing race with my brother. He's almost done and I cannot let him win. :3333 kill me.

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