Chapter 4:

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     Still crying I feel someone's hand wrap around me. It's something I never had done to me before so I flinch really bad.  I really should have never came with Castiel but I'm shure they could help me when the time comes right? Aww... Who am I kidding, when the time comes I be all alone with no one their to have my back. It's how it's always been and it most likely to stay that way.

"I should just leave, you don't need to be brought into all this, it's my problem to face not yours." I say getting up to leave.

"Dean! We could help her, if she really is trying to runaway then we could help." Sam, the man says.

"How do we do that, she Lucifer's daughter. Once he's out of the cage he's coming for who ever has her." I here Dean say back.

"I know Lucifer because he's my father. Dean's right once he gets out he won't stop till he gets to me then theirs no telling what he will do to me down in Hell. I don't want to hurt you three boys so I am just going to leave." I say at the edge of the steps going up.

"Please stay, we can help. We know more people that will be willing." Cas pleaded.

"Who? Who would help a monster born from two bigger monsters?"


"God? Dad says he never helps even when things get really bad. How will he help when he didn't try to stop the Apocalypse the first time?"

"He sealed his sister away when she tried to destroy everything he created, he can with Lucifer to. It's his son, his favorite angel out of us all." Cas says back.

"If dad was his favorite then why did he banish him from heaven?"

"Because he would not bow down to humanity. He could not let being his favorite get in the way of his job."

"So I can stay?" I ask looking at Sam and Dean on the other side of the room.

"Yes of course you can Samantha, of course you can." Dean says shacking his head up and down.

"O.M.G! Thank you guys so so much!" I say hugging each one of them.

"If you come with me I will give you a tourer of the place..." Sam says as I hug him.

"And show me were I can sleep?"

"Of course I will, let's get going." Sam says with a wave of his hand.

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