» nine. her

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*Anything that has this symbol around it - « means that it is a dream, just for clarification. Thank you and enjoy*
1980. Moscow, Soviet Union

When I entered the dingy hotel room, I immediately shut the door behind me.

"Lock it." Winters voice made me jump, but I obliged by locking all three of the locks on the door. If someone was actually trying to kill us, three old locks-which probably didn't even work-were not going to do either of us any good.

        I turned around and saw two beds. One, occupied by Winter and his weapons, the other was open, which I gladly went over to and laid down. Without taking a shower or anything, I allowed for sleep to overcome my exhausted body.

« « «

        I woke up, but I wasn't in the hotel room with Winter. Instead, I was in a dimly lit building with lots of neon signs hanging on the walls. I looked down at my outfit to see it changed to a pair of blue, restrictive pants and a simple black shirt.

         I had no control over my body as I stood up and walked over to one of the tables. There, Winter, Kane and some other man were seated. We started a conversation, but the noise was blurred in my ears. I couldn't understand what they were saying; I didn't even know what I allowed to leave my mouth. I wrote something down on the small, worn out notepad in my hands: coffee. I had no clue what it meant, is it a signal for something? Maybe the code name for a plan.

         When I looked back up to the table, Winter was missing, but my brain thought nothing of it. I turned on my heel, only to come face-to-chest with Winter. He raised his metal arm, harshly hitting me on the side of my head, effectively causing me to tumble to the floor.

          A gun was slid into my direction. I looked up and the scene in front of my changed. Now, we were all in a town. It wasn't like Moscow, it was a bright, happy town.

           "Grab the gun, miss." Kane demanded. I complied, standing up. Only ten feet in front of me was the man who tried to kill me earlier, in the blue suit. He was tied down to a chair, a gag shoved in his mouth. He did not resist against the restraints, instead he almost looked proud to be in this situation. The gag did not stop a cocky smirk from forming on his face. "Now, shoot him."

           My hands started to shake, "I-I can't."

            Kane took two long strides and was now at my side. He grabbed my chin between a rough hand, forcing me to look at him. "I don't care if you can't. You will shoot the gun. And you will kill him. Do it. Do it, now!"

            With shaking hands and tearful eyes closed, I pulled the trigger. I heard the gunshot ring out and a sob ripped through my chest, I had most likely just killed for the first time.

            "Now, look at what you have accomplished." I slowly opened my eyes to see a horrific sight.

              It was no longer the man who tried to kill me, instead Winter took his place. He was not tied down. He was standing there with a shocked face. He gripped his bleeding stomach and fell forward to his knees. I was frozen in fear, shock, regret. Every emotion possible was flowing through my veins.

            When I tried to run forward to take away his pain, I was pulled into a chair my an invisible force. Restraints attached on my ankles and wrist. Two plates positioned themselves on my head. It was the chair back at Hydra.

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