» two. her

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1979. somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean

When I woke, I was sitting on the ground. At first, I thought everything had been a bad dream. The bar fight, the men, being held captive, the two boys who were shot and killed, and then me being shot myself. My eyes adjusted to where I was and sadly, everything was real.

I was caged up like some wild animal. Everything was dark, cold, and had a musty smell. I groaned in pain from the uncomfortable ground. In my peripheral vision, I saw a glint of metal move. That man was in here with me. Luckily, on the other side of these bars.

Without looking at me, he lifted up a radio off of his belt and spoke, "Она не спит."

A muffled voice responds. I couldn't hear a word they said. It isn't like I would know what they said anyway, it was probably that other language. A few seconds after the first radio call was made, a door slid open, revealing the two men who accompanied the metal arm one.

The one who called my name at the diner held up a vanilla folder, opening to the front page, he spoke, "Leigh Claudette Dubois. Date of birth, October 19th, 1957. Twenty-two years of age. Five feet, six inches tall," he looked up from the folder, "there was nothing in here that told us how hot you are." I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze while he proceeded to read, "Dark hair, green eyes, can heal people through touch."

      The second man took the folder, placing it on a nearby box, "My name is Thorne Kane, and this is Chadli Delacroix. You will get to know the other man," he gestured to the metal arm man, "soon enough. We are all part of Hydra. An organization who is striving for order in the world. To get order, freedom must be taken away. Humans are too soft and impulsive for their own good. You will contribute to the world becoming orderly. Force will be used whenever deemed necessary. Understood." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Too scared to do anything, I didn't respond. "I said understood?" His words were cold and deadly. I shakily nodded my head.

        I am not going to partake in anything that want me too. I don't care how much 'force' they want to take.

The man who spoke first nodded to the metal arm man. He nodded back. Once the door was closed and they had left, a turned to face the wall. Moving too quickly, I snagged my right leg on something and seemed to tear the thin bandage around the bullet wound. It hurt so bad. Blood had already stained the dark jeans I had on, but now the crimson had a new glimmer to it from fresh blood. I whimpered from the pain.

       "Не шуми," the man growled at me. I had no clue what it meant, but by the tone of his voice, I pissed him off someway. I stopped everything that I was doing. The crying. The moving. The thinking.

       A few hours passed had when I awoke again. Surprisingly, I had managed to get a few hours of sleep. It had not been the best of sleep, but it was better than sitting in uncomfortable silence with that man.

        I wonder why he was in the back area with me? It was probably just so he could watch over me. A few times before I fell asleep, my attention had been drawn to small red dots hanging on the ceiling: cameras. If they had the cameras in here, then why does a human need to be in here? They obviously know a lot about me already and should know that I have no training in this kind of stuff at all.

When my ears started to pop I knew we were landing. Where, though, is unknown to me. I have never heard of any organization named 'Hydra' before, but based on the language that everyone seemed to know, hey must be in Eastern Europe somewhere.

The plane seemed to come to a halt. The man stood up and walked to a door to my cell. With an old skeleton key, he unlocked the door. When it swung open, it creaked ungodly. Something out of a horror film.

When I didn't move, he shifted his weight, "Вставай." Not knowing what he said, I sat in the corner, still scared from earlier. With a single angry stride, he made his way over to me and grabbed me by the arm. The metal hand was cool and sent shivers down my back when it came in contact with my skin. I was basically drug out of the small cell and plane by the man, who I still was unaware of his name.

My right leg had completely given out after the second time weight was applied to it. Because of that, I only had my left leg to move with, but that apparently made me too slow for everyone else.

It was cold here. My diner short sleeved shirt and jeans did not cut it for this weather. Looking around, I noticed that everyone had huge and heavy parkas on, shielding them from the cold. A jacket was harshly shoved in my direction, making me stumble.

"Put it on. We don't need our newest asset dying before even entering the building," before the new man had even finished speaking, the jacket was already only shoulders. I had not even taken a second to see what the jacket looked like. I looked down at myself and noticed it was the one metal-arm-man wore to conceal his arm.

"You'll get your own in due time. For now, you're going to wear his."

I looked up to the owner of this jacket, sort of seeing if it was okay if I wore his jacket. Probably making him cold. When my eyes met his, he wasn't looking at my face, rather he looked my body up and down. He then had this look on his face, I don't know how to describe it. It was a sort of pride, I guess one could call it.

When he looked me up and down, it was not the same way the man earlier had. Earlier, it was lust that clouded his eyes. This now was different. Very different.

As we entered the prison-like fortress, six people joined the group we had been walking in. When we started walking, it was me, the man with the metal arm-who was now holding my arm, loser than normal-and the two men in suits.

       Before we made it through the large, metal doors, six guards had joined us. Each of them heavily armed with large machine guns in hand, visible knives and smaller hand guns strapped to their waist and chest, and whenever was hidden under their jackets. The six of them combined basically encased all of if. Two led the group, one on each side, and then two trailing shortly behind.

        As the walk took the group farther and farther into the fortress, it got scarier and scarier for me. The lighting got darker and the smells got worse, but that wasn't he worst of it. The walls were lined with cells. Compared to the plane, they were much worse. About the same size, but completely concrete and was no lighting in any of them. Most of the people locked up in the cells looked mentally insane. Staring at walls, chanting things, writing on the walls in blood, the works.

       Every step I took also seemed to take me closer and closer to the screaming voices on the other side of the stone walls. The screams made me jump no matter how many times I heard them. As for the man walking next to me, had he not have had a grip on my arm, I would not have been able to feel him flinch at certain screams of pain. Everyone else in the group seemed unfazed by the surrounding environment. In fact, that looked like children who are on a school trip to the local zoo. Hearing and seeing all of the different animals was fascinating to them. The only difference, it was not animals here, it was humans.

        The guards led everyone into a large room with many different people in it. There was what looked to be an observatory window taking up an entire wall. From here, I couldn't tell where the window led to.

         "My dear, Leigh Dubois, welcome to Hydra. Your new home."

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Она не спит → She is awake
Не шуми → Do not make noise
Вставай → Get up

Author's Note:
I hope you enjoyed! Feedback in any way is always helpful.
Quick question: does anyone know how to add a gif into a chapter on a mobile device? I've been wanted to add some gifs that I think would fit the story, but I can't seem to get them to work. Thank you!

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