Hogwarts at Last!

44 1 28

Lumos! Hope you're ready for another chapasnap! Here it is! Hope you hate it! (50 points to anyone who is not my sister pandasarecute42  who can tell me what band says "Hope you hate it" there's gotta be some fans out there somewhere.)

As the train slowed to a stop, everyone began to stand up, stretch, and exit the train.
"Firs' years! Over here!" The girls heard Hagrid calling out over the noise of older students talking. Rochelle had managed to loose Draco in the crowd. For now. She searched for her friends, pushing to get towards the giant hairy man still calling for first years. She thought she spotted Daniella's red hair through the sea of 11 year olds. She began to battle her way up to the front, towards her friends, with more insentive piling on as she heard Draco calling out for her. She grabbed onto Daniella's shoulder, but it turned out not to be her best friend at all!

"Oy! Watch it!" The annoyed red headed boy looked over his shoulder at Rochelle.

She gasped, "I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else!"

"It's ok. I get that all the time with my brothers. Sometimes I'm Percy, or Fred, or George, or even Charlie! When all your siblings have the same hair colour it gets quite confusing."

Rochelle only just noticed the black haired boy traveling beside them. He was glancing back at them, trying not to trip over something. Rochelle thought she spotted something under his bangs, but she couldn't be sure it wasn't just a shadow.

"You haven't happened to come across a redhead named Daniella and a brown haired girl called Madeline have you?" She asked both boys.

"Yes actually, we shared a compartment with them on the ride here," said the black haired boy.

Shouts of ooh and ahh interrupted the conversation, for up ahead was Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was illuminated by torches and moonlight and looked like a fortress, ready to withstand any attack. It was reflected perfectly in the still calm lake.

"4 to a boat now, all of yah! Watch yer step!" Hagrid was calling. Rochelle spotted her friends climbing into a boat. For real this time. She rushed over, carefully avoiding a slippery patch of mud, and slumped down next to Daniella.

"You have no idea what a terrible ride I've had," she stated.

"Oh no," Daniella, "He found you didn't he?"

"It was a nightmare! He seems to follow me around everywhere!" Rochelle put her hands over her face.

"Well maybe this will cheer you up. We met Harry Potter!" Madeline grinned, "Look! He's right over there!" She pointed towards the black haired boy Rochelle had seen earlier, who was climbing into a boat with the red headed boy.

"Well, that doesn't cheer me up but it does clear up a suspicion I had that that was, in fact, Harry Potter."

The boats began to move. They sailed across the glassy lake, casting ripples across the pristine reflection. Rochelle glanced cautiously at Malfoy, but he was looking at the castle like everyone else.

"I hadn't thought about it until now but, what if we're not all in the same house?" Madeline asked.

"We'll still have classes together," Daniella said, patting Madeline's hand for reassurance.

"And we can spend all our free time together too!" Rochelle added.

"It just won't be the same," Madeline said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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