Would You Could You On a Train?

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Hey readers! Hope you've been enjoying the story so far! I'd like to take this opportunity to remind/inform you (specifically my sister pandasarecute42 and my best friend who needs to get on that story of hers that I've been bugging her about for a week! Cough HaosRulez101 cough!) that I really could care less about likes and views. All I want are comments! Comments that reflect your reactions AS YOU READ THE STORY! Please! In line comments!
I don't want to have to interegate you for your thoughts! Comment here if you understand!

"Robes, hats, gloves, cloaks, all those books, wands, cauldrons, phials, telescope, brass scales... why do we even need all this stuff?" Daniella checked off the items on the list.

"Guess we'll find out. How's our personal list coming?" Rochelle shrugged.

"Quills, ink, ink that changes colour as you write, name tags, luggage tags, school clothes that are not robes, books that are not school books, curses and countercurses being one of them..." Daniella listed the things they'd already gotten, "not sure why you would want such a book Madeline."

"Don't forget snacks!" Madeline said.

"Got it," Daniella checked it off.

"Now, the last thing on the school list is optional... but who could pass up the chance to get a cute wittle kitty??" Madeline pressed her face into the pet shop window and cooed gleefully at a sweet little black (here you are Haos. Black cat.) kitten.

"Let's go in before she dies of cuteness overload," Rochelle suggested.

The bell jingled as the three girls stepped inside the little pet shop. Madeline immediately went back to the kitten in the window display. Daniella regarded a basket of tiny little fluff balls. Rochelle scanned the rafters full of assorted owls and the other pets on the floor. She imagined herself owning each of them, one after the other. Her imagination didn't agree with most of them.

"Hello, may I help you?" The sales woman came out of the back room carrying an adorable white and brown rabbit. She set it down on a bench and it yawned before transforming into a brown fedora.

 She set it down on a bench and it yawned before transforming into a brown fedora

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"A transforming rabbit!" Rochelle whispered incredulously. She knew what she wanted. She didn't even have to imagine owning the rabbit. It was perfect. The sales woman approached Madeline, who was petting the cat through the bars of it's cage.

"Can I snuggle it?" Madeline pointed to the little cat.

"Sure you may!" Replied the lady. She opened the cage door and pulled the timid little kitten out, handing it to Madeline.

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