Wand Troubles

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Madeline was first through the door of Ollivander's wand shop, closely followed by Rochelle and the Daniella.  They stared at the racks, stacked full of boxes containing wands, any of which could be theirs. The wand meant for them. A crash was heard from an isle behind the counter and the three girls jumped. A few boxes tumbled down and landed at Daniella's feet.

"Um. Hello?" Daniella asked.

A few more boxes tumbled down and then the wrinkled, curly haired, face of Mr. Ollivander appeared from behind the shelf.

"Why Madeline! I wasn't expecting you so early in the morning."

"Well, we wern't going to come so early originally but... we had issues with water," Madeline explained.

"Oh I see. Well, I'm glad you're here, and your friends too!" he reached for the nearest shelf, picking up a box, "Are you ready to choose your first wands?"

The three girls nodded. Mr. Olivander set the box down and removed the lid, "who's first?"

Madeline stepped up to the counter and accepted the wand held out to her. It was made of a glossy dark wood and had a twisting curve carved from tip to handle. It was about as long as the distance from her wrist to the tip of her middle finger.

"Give it a twirl,"

Madeline did, and a puff of smoke flew out of the wand, covering her face in black soot.

Madeline did, and a puff of smoke flew out of the wand, covering her face in black soot

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"No. Not that one," Mr. Ollivander said, taking the wand back and handing her another. This one was quite long, matte and red in colour with a dragon head carved into the hilt. Madeline regarded it with disinterest but respect for the craftsmenship. She flicked the wand and a wave of boxes fell onto Rochelle. Startled, Madeline put the wand down and began picking up wand boxes. As she picked one box up, the bottom fell out and the wand inside clattered to the floor. She picked it up. It was a light coloured wood with a string of glittery beads set into the handle. It was smooth to the touch and if you turned it just so, the beads shone in rainbow colours. She flicked it and she felt the glow of the wand choosing her.

"Ah. Yes. You might be interested to know, that Laurel wood can cause a lightning strike if somebody tries to steal it. However, it might not. It despises laziness. The core of your wand is dragon heartstring. 11 3/4 inches. It is a fine wand," he reached for another box, thought better of it, and walked across the room to grab a box from a different shelf, "Now, how about you young lady? Seems to me you look like a Flint." Mr. Ollivander placed the box infront of Daniella.

"Yes, that's right. Daniella Flint. My father is Maximus Flint."

"Ah yes. I remember when young Maximus Flint came in here with my nephew Oliver and their friend Florian Fawley. When you're as old as I am, you see many generations of wizards come into this shop," he handed the wand to Daniella. 

She reached for the wand presented to her. She brushed her fingers across the smooth, curved hilt. The colour changed from dark at one end to light at the other. It was straight from one end to the other with no visible curves. She twirled it, causing what looked like a rock to fly off a shelf, and through the window, creating a huge hole.

"Well, that's what I get for putting so many windows in a wand shop," Mr. Ollivander chuckled at Daniella's shocked expression, "Try this one," he held out a light coloured wand that was smooth and had an indentation that her thumb fit perfectly into, helping her grip it with ease. At the hilt, there was a rose carved. It's thorny stem twisted until it met with the tip of the wand. Daniella flicked the wand. It glowed in agreement.

"Holly wood. A rarer wood for sure. Unicorn hair core. 12 inches exactly. I'm quite proud of the design on that one." Mr. Ollivander nodded at the rose. Daniella gripped her wand with pride. Mr. Ollivander turned to the shelf once again.

"And young miss Fawley I presume?"

Rochelle nodded.

"We'll try this one first," The old man presented her with a darkly coloured knobby wand.

Rochelle picked it up and twirled it without hesitation. The light in the oil lamp nearby grew very large and substancially hotter before going out.

"Alright. Well how about this one?" Mr. Ollivander handed her a red wand. She waved it and Madeline suddenly fell over, she gave an undignified squawk and her foot hung in the air.

Mr. Ollivander put a hand on his chin, "Not that one either," he reached for another box. He opened it to reveal a dark brown wand with a pearl embedded in the hilt. Rochelle took it and twirled it, finding it was perfect.

"Your wand is made of cypress wood. It is associated with royalty. The core is a unicorn hair, the hardest core to turn to the dark arts. 13 1/4 inches," Mr. Ollivander was putting boxes back on the shelf. He turned back around, smiling, "Enjoy your first year at Hogwarts, girls!"

"Goodbye Mr. Ollivander! Thanks very much for the wands!" Rochelle said. Her friends echoed her.

As they turned to go, the bell above the door jingled Rochelle's smile faded for a second to an expression of shock and dismay when she saw who was entering the tiny shop, but she quickly replaced it with a smile again. Lucius and Draco Malfoy cast their shadows onto the girls' pale faces.

"Why Hello girls," Lucius' expression was unreadable.

"Good morning Mr. Malfoy. Hello Draco," She tried to keep the acid out of the tone of her voice when she addressed the little blond brat infront of her. Mr. Malfoy was her father's buisness associate and she had been expected at a young age to play nice with Draco, despite her loathing of the little "Snake Demon".

"Hello Rochelle," Draco sauntered over to her and knelt down, kissing her hand, much to her disgust, "I didn't expect to see you until tomorow."

"I heard you got your letter. Congratulations," Lucius said.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy," Rochelle replied.

"Of course she got her letter," Draco snorted as he stood beside Rochelle, "Hogwarts would be stupid to welcome mudbloods and Weasleys through their doors but not an elegant pueblood such as Rochelle."

"Indeed," was all his father said in reply.

"I'm here to get my first wand," Draco announced.

"Yes, well. We'll let you get on with it. Goodbye Dra-" Rochelle looked back at her wrist, which was currently snared in Draco's grasp.

"You should stick around Rochelle. I would be honoured to escort you around Diagon Alley. The shop keepers will treat you better if I'm around." Draco grinned in a "I'm absolutely serious (or is it Sirius?)" sort of way.

"Well, I'd hate to intrude on your father son time," Rochelle and her friends had crept out of the store before Draco had had time to protest. Thankfully, Mr. Ollivander immediately began getting Draco to try out new wands so they had some time to escape.

Yup. It had just dawned on Rochelle that Draco was going to Hogwarts too. And she didn't like it one bit!

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