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"I don't... I don't understand."

"I know," my mother -- or whoever she is -- puts her hands up in slight defense, "I know. Let me explain. Your fathers -- Dominique and Richard -- were in love. They wanted a baby and I wanted to help but your father -- Richard -- he didn't want you to have to face the troubles he did when he was a child and he came out as homosexual. So... he thought it best if I was your mother and he was your father and he thought he would let you and your sister believe that we had divorced long before you guys could remember anything. Dominique wasn't okay with it at first but he slowly got used to it. Although, he didn't like the fact that he wasn't a part of you and your sister's lives the way he wanted to be. And I suppose this fact became increasingly difficult for him to live with and he moved away."

"Where..." I tried to form a proper question but my mind seemed to race a thousand miles ahead, unable to keep up with the current events. "Where is my dad -- Richard -- now?"

"He's chasing after Dom, I'm afraid." She lowers her head and I scoff. I can't believe this is happening.

"What... what do I do?"

"Well, I guess that's up to you. I know your sister would want to chase after Rich immediately but... you're not Caddie. Are you?"

No. I'm not.

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