austin lee

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january 19th of 2015, austin lee, a freshman at my school, took his own life. i didn't know him. but i know he was bullied and that he was one of the funniest people out there and that he cared about his friends. i had heard from one person say that austin talked someone out of killing themself three times. and here he is: dead, having no one to save him or talk him out of his violent undoing with a shotgun.

i didn't know him. but it's like i can see his parents, walking in to find their son -- maybe their only son -- lying dead on the floor of his room. his mom weeping as she holds her baby, and his father attempting to support his wife, call the police and sob his own silent tears.

i see all the people laughing and smiling about the matter at school, trying to get off the depressing topic and it's like... they don't know. they don't know that that boy lived... yesterday. and today he's gone from our, your, and their world forever. they said it was his choice but it was our choice, too. someone could've saved him and some people had that chance and others didn't -- i didn't. i never knew him but somebody did.

they wasted their chance -- or all of their chances -- because they were maybe scared or thought they could do it another day or maybe they figured it wasn't important. and because of that, there's one last person alive on this earth.

you can't save everyone, but save who you can.

stop the bullying

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