my part

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lanay pov (@ home)

8:00 am

i get ready for school by doing my hygiene routine and comb my hair. i put on some black skinny jeans and a neon green and yellow shirt with some light green and yellow shoes. the bus pulls up and i get my purse and leave.

i arrive at school and someone is fighting i look close at the girls and it ainah and some rachet with heels and her weave coming out i try to break up the fight but the principle comes and suspends all three of us he calls my dad and i get mad my face turns red and i start cursing at him and everyone who whispers.

i get a two day suspention not including today.

janae pov at school


these girls just got into a fight a one girl tryed to stop it but they all got suspended it was funny but the girl who stopped it looked familiar but i dont kno

will she find out? when will she ?  i will update as soon as possible

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