P.S. I Hate You

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please follow my Instagram  @taylor.ellen

"Harry. Come over tonight?" "I can't.. I was sleeping." He said, slightly annoyed that I called him up at like 3 in the morning. "Please." I rolled my eyes. I waited for a response, as I could hear shuffling at the other end of the line. "Do you want to have sex tonight?" I smiled, biting my lip. "Pleasure to." He lowly chuckled, as I yawned. "I'll be there in about ten minutes." "I'm naked under the sheets." "Maybe five, then." I could hear him moving around already, me guessing he was fumbling with his jeanes before I hear him head downstairs. I smirked. "Oh and by the way." "Yeah?" He breathed out. "I hate you."


A/N:  Dedication goes to BritishBums

This story is one of the most popular stories for sure in fanfiction and is kind of dramatic. I got mad a lot when reading this because things didn't go how I liked and had multiple moments where I wish I could strangle Harry.

Did I mention this is a Harry fanfic?? Well, it is:)

Please check this story out, have fun!

Love ya XX.


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