chapter 7

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Hope you all like this chapter. Sorry for any grammer or spelling mistakes. :)



I could still feel where his breath had tickled my neck. Putting a hand on my heart trying to will it to slow down. Did I like him? Maybe.  Augg I don’t know. Is it love or like? Or neither? What is the difference? My head was whirling like streamers in the wind. This why love is stupid! I thought while I massaged my aching temples, I had to stop thinking. Hmm..I wonder what Kile thought of me? Great I was thinking of him again. Pushing myself off the wall, and adjusted my shirt I decided to go outside I to read off my time and thoughts. 

Sitting down under the willow, I watched the purple flowers dancing with the dandelions in the breeze around me, and squirrels and birds were the only chatter here. The wind blowing gently through my strawberry blond hair as I brushed out the knots with my slender fingers before putting it back into my usual bun. This was my favorite spot for peace to read and relax. Opening my newly bought book ‘The City Of Bones’, breathing in the faint crisp smell of the pages, I was excited to start reading. I have read every teen vampire, witch, supernatural book out there. From Morganville Vampire, Vampire Academy, Darke Academy, Secret Circle, Wings, Drake Chronicles, Vanished, The Goddess Test, The Pledge to the Mediator series and much much more.

Not many people knew that I was such a book worm, at least no one at school other than Krisa. I liked to keep some of my personal hobby's and aspects of myself a secret. It felt safer and better with the less people that knew alot about me. I practically read the whole book store, my mother refused to buy me any because I read it within a day or two. What happen to ‘oh good I’m glad your reading honey, I’ll gladly get you a new book. It’s so good to see you reading’. So now I’m stuck paying for it myself, but I don’t mind as much anymore. I usually use my IPod to read books recently, since I found out it was cheaper to buy them on iTunes but occasionally id buy them from the book store to enjoy the luxury feeling of the paper in my hands and the crisp smell when you crack open the binding of a new book.

Just as I was getting into my book I suddenly I heard a rustle of the bush behind me, I tried ignoring it figuring it was probably just squirrel but I continued irritating me causing me to reread the same line over and over again. Getting up to go examine the bush, and maybe scare the bloody squirrel away. I crept closer, knelt down and began to part the leaves away. I leaned in closer eyeing the ruff pine cone covered ground for evidence of the pest but nothing was there. That’s odd.

 I was about to get up when a hand covered my month and nose with some sort of cloth, and another strong muscular obviously male arm went are my around my waist from behind trying get hold of my arms, while his legs wrapped around mine. You’d think being such a great fighter id be able to get out of this but no this guy knew how to retrain a person! I thought angrily. I couldn't move at all and let me tell you I did not just sit willy nilly. I struggled, kicked and punched but whatever had been soaked into the cloth was creating fumes that were invading me causing me to become dizzy.

 It felt like goldfish were swimming in my in stomach as nausea overwhelmed inside,  not to mention the fear clenching inside me. I was actually scarred, but who wouldn’t be, I was getting kidnapped or maybe I was going to be murdered for fudge sakes! I’ve watched enough NCIS to know this cloth was drenched in some sort of chemical that they use to make the victims unconscious; the girls would struggle against the cloth and the kidnapper until the fumes cause them to go in unconsciousness. I always figured if you didn’t struggle they’d think you were unconscious already and take the cloth off you and stop restraining. Then you could fight back and get away. So I did that, made my body motionless and held my breath so I wouldn’t take in anymore fumes. His grip loosened when he figured I was out and he took the cloth of my mouth. I took in a soundless big breath through my nose. I heard a sigh from ‘whoever’ as he began getting off me. This was my chance. I opened my eyes, kicked my leg up and it came in contact with another leg, causing a grunt from my attacker.

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