Happy and Safe (good end)

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-__________ POV-

I smiled "I don't want it. I don't know if this is true but if I reborn again. Find me." Everyone nodded at me.

Then I wanted to lift this sad tension. "I still have more than 40 years of my life! Let's watch a movie!"

America pumped up. "Let's watch a scary movie!" Everyone groaned.

This is how it's supposed to be. Live life to the fullest. Do another and the cycle goes on. I'm sure that I'll meet them again and again.


I had a nice long life. America was kind enough to allow me to go to school (again). Since being with the countries I learned many languages so I worked as a translator. But that was years ago.

I now lay on a chair, thinking about my life. Escape my abusive father, lived with countries, got kidnapped, improved life. Now, I sit down like a sentimental old woman.

A few years ago I decided to adopt a kid. He/she is a sweetheart. (Child name) always know how to cheer me up and is very responsible. Though, he/she would cause trouble once in a while but that's part of life.

Now he/she is an adult. Has a family with (# of kids) and a stable job. I couldn't be anymore proud. Luckily he/she visits me with the young ones.

But I didn't tell them about the countries. I just introduced them as regular people, as friends of mine. They supported me all their immortal life and I don't know how I can repay them. All I can give them is my trust/love and happiness.

The sun shone brightly though he window in my cabin in the woods that was gifted by Canada. It's very peaceful here. Animals are still my friends and at least they come anytime they can.

My time is up soon. I sigh, leaning back in my seat. My eyes drooping from drowsiness recently. With one more look in the sweet forest around me, I closed my eyes. Into eternal sleep.

-Canada's POV-

I decided to see ___________. Luckily work was small today so I have a lot of free time. She's has aged over the years and I'm still happy that she's still with us, for now.

I came across the fairly large wooden cabin I have given her as a gift about 10-20 years ago. (XD dang reader-chan) Then saw __________'s body peacefully sleeping peacefully in a chair by the porch window. I got out of my car and knocked on the door.

No answer

I twisted the door knob and was surprised that it was unlocked. "__________? Are you ok?" I made my way towards her and gently shook her hand.

No reply

Then again

"__________?" Tears started to swell in my eyes. My long-time friend is now gone. One of the few people that can see me. I kissed her cold, pale forehead.

"Sweet dreams. Just like you said years ago, we will see you again." I took my phone and dialed everyone about the news.

"___________ is now gone." I let a sigh escape my lips, getting ready for the many replies that is going to come.

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