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"Hello? Anyone there?" I poked my head out to the voice and saw a man. Terrified if it was someone going to hurt me or take me away I retreated back into the box. The bottom and the sides were wet making me shiver. I felt cold water rumble on me and the noise grew louder. I looked up to see the same man or person lifted the hood of the box.


"What's a thing like you here?" His voice was calm and warm than the harsh one my dad voiced in anger all the time. I looked down, not meeting his emerald green eyes.

"A-Achoo!" I rubbed my nose after I sneezed. Then something warm was draped around me.

"We don't want you to get sick, do you?" I felt around a big and heavy jacket was placed on my shoulder. At least I feel warmer than before.

"Do you have a home?" The man asked me with concerned eyes. His blonde hair getting drenched with rain. I shook my head.

The man sighed then raised his hand up. Making me flinch and cower down back into the box. Covering myself with the coat I felt something solid and warm on my head.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you. My name is Arthur Kirkland and I just want to take care of you." Uneasily I made eye contact with my savior.

"Your hand?" He held out his hand which I took reluctantly. They were soft but cold and wet from the rain than my ice cold ones. Arthur led me to a large black car. The seats were much more comfortable than my own bed. Classic music was played, lulling me to sleep.

-Arthur's POV-

How did she get there? Why's she there? Why doesn't she have a home? What's her story? Oh, we're here. I looked towards the mysterious girl to my side.

"She's asleep." I muttered with a sigh.

Her skin seems flawless. Her (h/c) hair glows with the moon and shines like the stars. I guess, same goes for her eyes. But the closer I look I saw bruises and scars on her arms. I picked her up from my car and went inside my house.

Using the extra guest room I had I set her on the bed and grabbed the first aid kit. Old and fresh scars with blood smeared across her body. Being the gentleman I am I lifted her shirt over her stomach. There was a large purple bruise and her ribs were visible. She hasn't been fed well or else she'd be classified as malnourished.

I grimaced at all the physical signs of abuse on every part of her frame. How can a single girl get this many scars in her life? Obviously someone in her family is abusive. I should ask her when she wakes up. Finishing patching her up I feel satisfied seeing her fixed up but sympathetic to see her filled with bandages.

Then I noticed the necklace around her neck. It was lovely, silver necklace of (favorite item) but next to it was a separate bead. I took a look at it and it had her name, __________.

"________.... what a lovely name you have." I muttered.

-Your POV-

Why is it warm? Am I in heaven? It's too good to wake up. I tried to move my arms but it feels rather tight and constricted. Why can't I move much? I began to panic, trying to thrash around.

Savior ||Hetalia x abused! Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now