week six: part one

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A/N: HIiiiiiiiiii I'm so so so so so so so SO sorry this is late, I'm so horrible at updating and updates never happen when I want them to :( 
It's very late and I'm still jetlagged and I haven't edited and I'm making so many excuses rn but I'm literally dead and I can't keep my eyes open, ignore any mistakes bc I haven't had this beta-d yet aaaand ummm I think that's about it, I hope you enjoy and/or manage to survive through the pathetic amounts of fluff and cheesiness in this chapter and I'm sorry for this massive run-on sentence <3 <3


Okay, so my date with Louis is in a week. And in all honesty, I think I might be freaking out so much that I'm going to permanently be worried and anxious. Forever. And ever. For the rest of my life. 
This is insane. And I don't know what to do. So, I think I'm going to do what I never thought I'd ever do, not in a million years: I'm going to call Zayn, and ask him for help.
It seems that Zayn, Liam, and Niall are the only people that Louis trusts. And if Louis trusts them, then I trust them too. Updates to come. 

Harry shuts the notebook with a sigh. When did this journal project turn into a blog of sorts, on which he talks about his feelings?

But, it doesn't really matter anyways. Really. It doesn't. It's not like the professor's going to actually look at everything that everyone's written, right? The class is like, three hundred people. There's no way. So, might as well write about interesting things, right? Like Louis' face. And Louis' smile. And Louis' hair. And Louis' scruff. And Louis.

Harry groans, head falling into his hands. He's going to fail this assignment.


Getting Zayn Malik's phone number is a complicated task. 

Harry doesn't know how to go about it at first. Does he sneak a peek into Louis' phone? No, that'd be an invasion of his privacy. Does he sneak into Louis' home and find Zayn himself? No, that'd be even more of an invasion of privacy. 

It's not until Louis texts Harry about something or the other, mentioning that Zayn's out with his girlfriend, Perrie Edwards, that it hits. 

Harry knows Perrie. They're in a creative writing class together. He can totally ask her for his number. 

But then he'd have to explain why, wouldn't he? And he's not sure if Louis' okay with people knowing about their date?

Does it even matter? Is Harry overthinking this?

Yes, and definitely. 

So, walking into his creative writing class the next day, he decides to get it over with straightaway.

"Hey Perrie," he says, sitting next to her. Perrie smiles at him. "Hi Harry! How are you?"

"I'm doing well, thanks. I had a question for you, actually."

Her eyebrows pop up. "Oh?"

"Yeah, erm, you're -- you're dating Zayn Malik, aren't you?"


"Well, I was wondering if I could have his phone number."

Perrie stares at him for a few seconds, during which Harry stares back. It's an anxious time.

Then Perrie shrugs. "Okay," she says simply, and pulls out her phone, writing Zayn's number on a shred of paper and handing it to Harry. "Anyways, did you finish the narrative due this Friday? I haven't done a thing!"

Harry takes a bit to respond, because -- wow, that was easy.

Okay. Step one complete.


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