week four: part two

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A/N: Okay, so I've been getting requests for a Louis POV, so, instead of moving onto week five, I decided to make a week four part two, to give some background on Louis' part. 

I really hope you like it, I feel kinda iffy about it and editing was frustrating and took forever, so feedback would be appreciated! I think this is going to be the only Louis POV chapter for a while, I may have another sometime later but I want this story to be mostly from Harry's perspective. We'll see what happens.  

Hope this didn't give too much away about Louis. More will be revealed soon ;) 

Thank you so much for reading. Love you all x


Once Harry leaves, Louis slams the door shut.

"Guys, what the fuck?!"

Niall just blinks at him, shoving a spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream into his mouth. Zayn continues flipping through channels on the TV as if Louis hadn't spoken, and Liam just picks at his jumper guiltily.

Louis crosses his arms and waits. One of them will crack eventually.

After a minute or so, Liam shifts around on the couch. "You can't blame us for being worried, Lou," he says quietly, and Louis groans in frustration. "Actually, I can."

"Oh really?" Zayn says accusingly, shutting off the TV. "And why's that?"

"Because you guys were acting so weird, and you completely freaked him out! He probably thinks I'm crazy now!"

No one says a word.

"Come on guys," Louis says exasperatedly. "It's been a while, since Chad. You didn't have to do this."

Zayn laughs bitterly. "Don't mess about Lou. Honestly."

"I'm not joking, Zayn!"

"Have you told Harry about it yet?" Niall asks suddenly, and Louis shakes his head furiously. "I haven't told him anything, honest. I don't really want him to know, not yet at least. It's...it's not important."

"Louis," Liam says quietly, eyes shining with sincerity. "That boy...what he did to you..."

"Let's not talk about it," Louis interrupts harshly.

"No, I think we have to talk about it Louis. You were dating him for two whole years, man. Come on. You can't tell me that you're just going to forget everything, dump it all away by trying to get with this one? You're better than that."

"No, I'm-I'm not -- just -- ugh," Louis groans, rubbing his face with his hands. "You guys don't understand."

"We understand Lou," Zayn says, still sprawled across the couch. "We understand perfectly. We just don't want you to, you know, go back to...that."

Louis sighs, and plops down onto the couch next to him. Zayn leans into him, resting his head on Louis' shoulder. "I don't want to go back to that either, Z. But all I wanted was to hang out with him. Is that really so bad?"

Liam hesitates before he answers. "No," he says in a weird tone. "But...you haven't actually wanted to hang out with anyone since...before."

"But Harry's different."

"And that's exactly what worries us," Zayn says, sitting up again. "We...we wanted to see how you act around him, what kind of person he is, how he is around you. And that's why we wanted to stay. This is the second time you've actually made plans to hang out with him, Lou. Not once, but twice. That's...that's different, because, like, it's been so long. And, well, if he were just a new friend to you, then we obviously wouldn't be having this conversation."

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