week four: part one

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A/N: This, is long, long, long overdue and I apologize profusely for (what should be) my unforgivable delays, in terms of this story. 

Most of you have probably already listened to this, but AAH A LINK TO THROUGH THE DARK IS ON THE RIGHT AND IT'S CURRENTLY MY FAVORITE SONG OFF OF MIDNIGHT MEMORIES!! It just perfectly describes Harry's viewpoint in this story, when it comes to Louis, and all that cute stuff ;) So listen to it while you're reading! 

Quick side note: I have absolutely no clue where this story is going. Just so you're all aware.

Hope you like it xx


"I'm sorry."

Harry turns around, incredulous. "Sorry?"

Louis is standing above him, looking earnest and worried and anxious. He's looking Harry straight in the eyes, not concerned about the other students in the room who may be watching, or about how class is going to start at any second.

He sets his textbook on the tabletop before dropping his rucksack and sinking into his seat, not taking his eyes off of Harry once. 

"I'm so sorry, Harry."

Harry's eyes are going to pop out of his head. Why's Louis sorry?

Harry's the one who was a dick about the notepad. He was the one who intruded upon Louis' personal space. Louis has nothing to be sorry for. 

Harry's frozen, unable to think or speak or anything. He's scrambling for something to say, but before he can come up with anything, the professor enters the room.

The nervous light in Louis' eyes dims, and his shoulders droop. He looks at Harry for a few more brief seconds, his expression just sad, before turning his back on Harry.

Harry's heart is splintering into millions of jagged pieces. God, why couldn't he have come up with something to say? Why couldn't he have thought faster? Heat burns in his cheeks.

He's fucking angry. He's so angry with himself, because now Louis' upset and won't even look at him. Louis doesn't deserve this, doesn't deserve this at all. Louis deserves nothing but happiness, and now Harry's gone and made him sad. 

 He doesn't know what to do. He can't focus on the lecture, because Louis' slouching beside him. 

After a disgustingly long period of time, the class finally ends, and Louis quickly jumps out of his seat and practically runs toward the door. 

"Louis, wait!" Harry calls after him, leaving his books and things on the desk behind him.

Louis turns the corner into the hallway, and is walking even faster now. Harry starts running. He catches up to Louis and darts in between him and the door out of the building. Louis sighs. "Harry, I've got to go, so if you could please..." he doesn't finish hs sentence, voice fading, and just gestures toward the door. 

Harry reaches out for him, and gently takes his hand in his. "Louis please..."

Louis pulls his hand out of Harry's grip and tries to step around him, but Harry moves with him and doesn't let him out. 

"Hear me out."

Louis crosses his arms. "Look, you obviously don't want to talk to me anymore after my weird freak-out on Saturday night. So, just let me go, and I won't bug you again, I promise."

"Oh my god, that's -- Louis, what are you -- no, just no. That's -- that's not what I want at all. Just listen to me."

Louis hasn't moved. He continues staring at the ground. 

this mind is a black hole ~ larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now