Please Don't Tell

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So as we get out of my truck I run upstairs, throw my bag on my bed, and run and lock myself in the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and think about everything everyone calls me at school. Im beginning to believe every word everyone says about me and how it's all true. A single tear slides down my right cheek slowly. I slide down the wall and sit with my legs pulled to my chest and just let the tears stream down my face.

"REMIE!!" I hear Ashton screaming my name and beating on the bathroom door, "Let me in gosh dang it!" Then she starts obnoxiously turning the door knob like it's going to unlock itself if she does it enough.

"Remie! If you don't open this door right now, I swear I'll call my mom and tell her that you locked yourself in here and are refusing to come out!" She's getting mad and I honestly don't care anymore.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell back at her trying to keep my voice from sounding like I've been crying. "Please." I say quietly not even knowing if she heard it.

I can hear her hands slide down the door and she walks away.. I slowly slide down to lay on my side on the floor. I don't know how long I layed there before I stood up and washed my face from all my makeup running.

I walk out of the bathroom and into mine and Ashton's room and I slowly sit on the edge of my bed using my hands as props to hold me up on either side of me. I feel the urge to cry more but I blink back the tears and I look up at the door as Ashton stops in the doorway. She slightly smiles at me before walking over to me and sitting beside me and holds me in a hug.

I let the tears slip down my cheek once again. I wrap my right arm around her and we just sit there for what seemed like ten minutes in silence before my phone rang making me jump. Ashton giggles at me and I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Hello?" I question into my phone wondering who it is.

"Remie?" I can't quite figure out who it is, still.

"Yeah? Who is this?"

"This is Megan. Remember..? From lunch?" And once she says that I instantly remember. She sounds so different through the phone.

"Oh! Yeah! Right. How did you get my number?" I ask her confused as to how or by who she got my phone number.

"Oh Ashton gave it to me earlier today. But I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" I think about what she's saying but I can't right now. It's not a good time.

"Um, yeah, but right now, I mean, tonight isn't a good time, and if you'd excuse me, I gotta go but I'll talk to you later." I feel bad but it's just not a good time.

"Okay, yeah. It's okay. Talk to you later!" She says, understanding, before hanging up. I look back at Ashton after I lightly put my phone down on my night stand. She gives me her 'it's okay. Im here for you' look and once again, I start crying. I know I cry too much but it's just so hard ever since.. that day.. two years ago.

"Remie, what is going on?" She gives me this weird look as she looks at my face. I look at her like 'what', "what is that? Is that a bruise?" She lightly hits my side and huffs and puffs because i didn't show her. As she did it, it hurt really bad from J.T. and his friends kicking me the other day.

I put my hand on my side and hold it. "Owww" I whisper. And that gives me another worried look from Ashton. She moves my hands and it's too late so I go ahead and let her pull my shirt up slightly.

"REMIE!! What is this? What happened? And why didn't you tell me!?" She asks me and I know.. it's time to tell her.

I pull my shirt back down and wipe my cheeks and I look at her. "Um," I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, "Carley, Autumn, Sophie, J.T., and all his friends too, decided that they've been wanting to trip me, shove me, kick me, punch me, and so on and so forth. And im sor-"

"Is that who Carley and them were talking about 'big fat ugly pig' today?"

I nod. "Yeah. And I lied saying I didn't know who they were talking about because I didn't want you to find out. Especially because you would tell. Please don't tell. Please. I beg you. I would never forgive you if you told David and Lay-"

"KIDS!! I'm home!" We hear Layla shout from downstairs. I guess she had to work a little later today. She works at the attorneys office downtown. And David, who should be getting home soon as well, works at the dentist office downtown. Ashton jumps up and I know exactly what she's thinking. I jump off my bed and pretty much launch at her and tackle her to the ground.

"Please! Don't. You can't." I plead her not to tell my aunt and uncle about the bullying.

"Okay, okay, fine. I won't. But please get off of me." So I get off of her just as she asked. And we go downstairs to greet my aunt since she just got home.

~~~Later that night~~~

"Dinner's- oh" I faintly hear Ashton say. All I can see is dark, pitch black. Im really comfortable and warm. Ashton walks back out of the room and to the top of the stairs I assume, "Mom she's asleep. Again." And I don't hear anything else after that.

I can tell that I'm dreaming, because I'm dreaming that J.T. and I are hanging out at a party and drinking and we walk outside and he pushes me in the pool but I thought it was playfully because he jumped in too, but then I realized I never came back up. He's trying to drown me. I come up but only for a second. I go back underwater. He won't stop. Carley throws something in the pool but I don't know what it is. He starts punching me and kneeing me and my breaths are getting shallow. And then-

I wake up. Im drenched in sweat. I see it's 2:07 in the morning. I get up and take my sheets off my bed and put them in my laundry basket and grab some pajamas realizing I never did change before falling asleep. I get a blanket and lay back down and go back to sleep.

"Remie," Ashton groans shaking me. I hear my alarm going off and I jolt up. I look around frantically. Once I'm fully awake I turn my alarm off. "It's time to get up silly," Ashton laughs. Ugh. Last night was strange.

"Sorry. It was a weird night," I tell her. She just gives me a look, shrugs, and goes to the bathroom to change. I pick an outfit and once she gets out of the bathroom I go in to get a shower. I lock the door, turn the water on, play my music, strip out of my clothes, and get in the shower. Once I'm out, I get dressed and get ready. Im done getting ready for the day and head downstairs about twenty minutes later.

"Good morning Layla and David." I say as I walk into the kitchen and grab a slice of toast. I roll my eyes because I don't want to eat, but I do anyways since everyone is in the kitchen.

"Good morning honey" my aunt and uncle say at the same time.

"Ashton, come on, it's time to go," I hear her scoff and stand up and we leave.

"Bye girls!" Layla screams since we just walked out the door.

How My Life Changed Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें