I Hate It

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So after my first day, junior year, I never wanted to go back. Once my cousins and I got home we went to our rooms. I share a room with my cousin Ashton. It's still kind of weird living with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins but it's not all that bad. Other than my new school that I started today.

"How was your first day?" Ashton asks me to break the weird silence lingering in our room.

"I hate it. I never want to go back." I say upset and grumpily.

"Oh. What's wrong?" She begs for an answer with a pouty voice.

"Don't worry about it. I'm getting a shower." I tell her trying to get her to drop it as I slowly get off my bed and go get some clean clothes and head to the bathroom. I turn the water on nice and hot and play music. Then I lock the bathroom door before stripping out of my clothes and hopping in the shower. I start thinking about what happened today and i think about my parents and sooner than i know it, I'm crying.

When I'm done I grab a towel and dry off, get dressed, and brush my teeth before heading back to mine and Ashton's bedroom and laying in bed and falling asleep.

Before I know it, its morning and my alarm is going off. I push snooze as Ashton sits on my bed looking at me curiously -probably thinking about last night- and telling me to get up because I roll back over and shut my eyes.

As I get up and walk to my closet, Ashton speaks, "So you went to bed early last night... What was that all about?"

I roll my eyes before responding, not wanting to talk about it, "I was tired and didn't feel good." I pick out an outfit and turn around to lay it on my bed when I see Ashton standing over by her closet with her arms crossed over her chest. "What?" I ask her, annoyed.

"You didn't eat dinner last night and I was going to come get you up but mom told me not too. What are you hiding Remie?" She rambles on.

"Nothing!" I huff and walk to the bathroom to change. I brush my teeth before returning to my room and sitting at my vanity. I put on some powder, eye shadow, eyeliner, and highlighter before straightening my hair. I put on a necklace, earrings, and some bracelets and my watch. I grab my shoes and bag and go downstairs.

"Good morning girls" My Aunt Layla says to me and Ashton as we walk to the kitchen. I smile at her and Ashton says something but I don't know what because I tune them out. I guess Seth already left with his friends. After Ashton grabs an apple, I grab my keys and put my hand on the doorknob. "Aren't you hungry sweetie?" Layla asks as I roll my eyes and turn and look at her.

"No ma'am." I tell her before walking out the door with Ashton right behind me. We get in my truck before driving away. Ashton keeps asking me question after question about yesterday.

"Would you just drop it!?" I ask her really annoyed and her eyes go wide from me yelling ever so slightly at her. After another five minutes we pull into the school parking lot and I park close to the school. We get out and walk in. Ashton hasn't come through the doors yet thankfully because as I walk in, everyone steps aside but Carley and her baboon sidekicks.

She looks at me and chuckles before saying, "Oh well there's the ugly pig!" Then her and everyone else in the hall start giggling. As I walk closer to her, I walk around her but she trips me. I get up because I hear the doors that I just came through open. Ashton. I get up quickly and walk away.

~~~3rd period~~~

I'm walking to choir when someone rams into my shoulder like a bull dozer. I stop and turn to look when Carley fake gasps covering her mouth with that stupid little hand of hers, "Oops, didn't see you there." And she shrugs her shoulders and everyone laughs.

"How did you not see her? She's a big fat pig I thought? At least that's what you said." I turn and look because I hear the familiar voice. J.T. the school's best known bad boy. Plays every girl he gets too. He's annoying too. Right behind him I see his three best friends.

"Oh she is I just said that because it was the first thing I could think of. I mean, come on you didn't think I actually accidentally bumped into her did you? Of course not. I did it on purpose silly." She says to J.T. before poking his nose like he's a toddler. I roll my eyes and walk away because she didn't even know I stopped and turned around.

"Hey! Do you know who they were talking about back there?" Ashton comes running up to catch up with me and taps my shoulder.


"Carley and everyone."

"Nope," I lie hoping she doesn't notice.

"Oh?" She states more like a question while squinting her eyes at me. I look at her with a puzzled look and roll my eyes before turning into my third period class. Which I happen to have with Ashton.

We sit in the back like normal and listen to the teacher until, what feels like forever, the bell rings. Finally! Lunch time I think to myself and roll my eyes as I groan.

I sit at mine and Ashton's table like usual and wait for her to come out of the lunch line. In the mean time I read my book. "Hey." The voice does not sound familiar so I turn and look at the girl standing beside me. "You're Remie, right?" I arch my eyebrows and close my eyes for a second before looking back up at the girl with a 'what do you want' look. "Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Why do you want to sit with me?" I ask her which is unlike me to talk to anyone but teachers and Ashton but I can clearly tell that there is no getting rid of this girl.

"Well I want to be your friend. I'm Megan by the way." She tells me like she just realized she never introduced herself.

"Mmm, yeah whatever," I mumble as she smiles and sits down. "So why do you want to be my friend?" I question her because this is really strange.

"Well because you seem nice and you are pretty and because I would love to have you as a friend." She explains as Ashton comes back and sits down. She gives me a look that reads, 'who is she and what is she doing here' i tell her she said she wants to be my friend and she says 'oh' before eating her burger and fries. While I go back to reading my book.

~~~After school~~~

"Hey you fat pig!" Someone, which I'm assuming is Carley and her baboons, yells at me as I go falling down because she shoved me. I roll my eyes at the thought. I go to get up when suddenly I was punched by her then kicked by someone that wasn't Carley or either of her baboons. I'm kicked three more times before everyone starts laughing and walks away.

I look around and see kids still running out of the building. I get up quickly before Ashton comes out and sees me. I get in my truck and wait for Ashton but she jumps in soon after me. I hear someone talking which clearly has to be Ashton but I don't know what she is saying because I'm thinking about what just happened and how to make sure she doesn't find out and certainly not tell anyone at home. She snaps her fingers in front of my face pulling me put of my thoughts. I shake my head and look at her. "Sorry, what?"

"I said, are you okay?" She asks me giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine," she gives me her 'I don't believe you but I know you aren't gonna tell me so whatever' look. I look back at the steering wheel and crank the truck and drive home. When we get there, my aunt Layla and uncle David aren't home yet but Seth is.

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