Phase 13: Oh Shit

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He turned the knob and pushed through the door. Immediately, the entire contents of the bucket dumped on his head. He froze with his jaw agape. I burst out laughing, along with the boring bunch. Once the rest of One Direction recovered from the surprise, they too laughed at Liam. He slowly turned around to face my camera. He was holding back a smile, due to our laughter. He looked directly at me.

"This was your idea," He stated. I nodded. He smiled. Oh shit.

I innocently pivoted on the balls of my feet, now facing the bunch behind me. "If you'll please excuse me?" I asked, motioning for them to make a path.

They parted, and I nodded at them with a smile. Then I took off down the hall at full speed, with Liam hot on my tail. I suppose it's a bit childish that we're chasing each other, but who really gives a shit?

I couldn't help but smile and laugh as I ran as fast as I could. Liam was right behind me, which wasn't surprising, considering he works out all the time and I pet animals. I think that's exercise.

As we came up on the corner, I channeled my inner star power and sped around first. I quickly ducked into a closet, hoping he'd run past. I slammed the door behind me, a little too loudly. I heard him run up to the door and turn the handle. I was about to lock it when I saw that, of course, there was no lock. So naturally, I grabbed the handle and pushed the door shut as soon as it opened.

But he wasn't giving up that easily. He pushed the door with remarkable strength, and I did all I could to keep it shut. Looks like working out actually helps.

Finally, my arms gave in and the door swung inward. Liam had still been pushing with all his strength, so he came tumbling on top of me, knocking the two of us to the floor.

We landed stomach to stomach, with his weight crushing me. I released a loud and unattractive "OOMPH." He laughed and pushed himself up a little, still hovering over me. Fairly close, I might add.

"Sorry," He said softly with a smile, looking into my eyes.

"I am now very covered in whipped cream," I smiled back, matching his tone.

"Yes, yes you are," he laughed lightly, "now we're even."

I laughed and pushed on his chest, rolling him onto the floor next to me. Suddenly, a horrible realization crossed my mind. I quickly sat up and looked down at my clothes to see what damage the whipped cream had done. My jaw dropped. "My jeans!" I gasped, "These are my favorite jeans! I'm going to kill you!" I scowled.

"But we're even!" He complained.

"We were until I realized you ruined my favorite my pair of jeans! These are designer, you know. Never mess with a girl's designer jeans."

"I thought you were broke," Liam mused.

I smacked the back of his head. "And never remind a girl she has no money! Popstars are such pricks." I crossed my arm.

"Ow." He rubbed the back of his head, "You didn't answer my question."

"They were a gift. And my favorite gift out of every gift i've ever received because I love these jeans and I love the person who gave them to me and they're designer and one of a kind made specially for me because the person who gave them to me loves me just as much as I love them and went through all the trouble of getting me one of a kind designer jeans that probably cost more than my apartment and YOU just ruined them." I rushed out in one breath.

He blinked. "Sorry, Brin. I didn't realize you were so attached." He said with a slightly amused smile. I smacked him. It didn't seem to faze hime. "So, uh, who gave them to you?"

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