Chapter 14

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Zeke's POV

"The winners of the very first Dauntless got talent is team...Urill?" Lauren says confused. I don't blame her. What? Why them? Everyone loved Four and I's preformance. They both cheer and run onto the stage. The auidence is clapping quietly, they all look confused. I mean all they did was a little cup thingy ma do song and a handshake.

"Thank you, thank you." They both say while bowing.

"What!? Why them!?" Lynn asks

"I really have no idea. Dude that should have been us!" I say to Four.

"Are you kidding we were friggin amazing!!!" Four agrees. We continue our rant until we're interupted with laughing. We turn around and our group (minus Uriah and Will who are still on stage being stupid) standing there looking amused.

"What?" We both ask at the same time.

"No matter how good you two were you wouldn't have won because the two stiffs hate you. So that makes 2 out of the 3 judges voted no." Christina says.

"Well I say that's stupid!" Four exclaims.

"I second that!" I shout and give him the 'I think you know what time it is.' Look.

He nods and gives me a look that says, 'let's show these peasants what we got.'

We both stand up on the chairs.

"Hey peasants shut up!" I shout at Will and Uriah. They stop talking and everyone turns to us.

"Wow great job with the shouting Zeke." Four whispers to me. I wink at him.

"I learn from the best."

He chuckles and yells,"We are here for justice! For everyone that got left in the shadows by a bunch of pansycakes, and yes I did use the word pansycake it's that drastic. We will not stand for this!"

With that we run onto the stage and push Uriah and Will off of it.

We start singing 'We're all in this together' with the dance.(Thank you Booklover4611 for the idea!) By the end of the song everyone from our group, besides Uriah and Will have joined in.

When it's over everyone sits there and stares at us for a while then they all stand up and stomp their feet while cheering. Everyone but the stiffs. Wow the name really does suit them. Lauren comes back on stage while whipping a tear she sniffles then speaks up.

"Wow that sure was beautiful. Well I think we know who won this competition. Congratulations every group that isn't Uriah and Will you have won Dauntless got talent."

We all cheer and scream as we head back to the apartment. I turn around and see stiff number one aka papa Four glaring at us. I tell Four to turn around and he stops in his tracks and stare back. After a couple of seconds he smirks and slowly raise both of his hands and flick him off. The look of shock is evident on his face. Then he runs off towards my apartment while I'm trailing behind him laughing my butt off.

When we get there everyone is in their seats from before talking and laughing like nothin just happened including Uriah and Will who aren't mad an sulking in a corner anymore.

"Are we continuing where we left off?" I ask.

"Yep! lets do this thing!"Uriah shouts.

"It's our turn!!" Christina shouts and turns to Tris to talk about who their victim will be.

"Ok Shaumarlynn choose your fate." Tris says

"We are gonna pick truth for now." Shauna says.

"Boring don't be pansycakes!!!" Will and Uriah shout at the same time. They look at each other grinning then give each other a high five.

I sigh and face palm,"oh no not two Uriahs one is enough."

"Hey everyone!! Shut up!!! Thank you. So who has given you the worst present and what was it?" Christina asks

"Oh so my answer to that is Uriah. He gave me a bucket of fried chicken once." Marlene says (remember this from my other story? ;)

Uriah makes a face,"What you didn't like that gift?" He asks in mock hurt.

"Heck no!" Marlene shouts.

"Ok well mine would have to be my dear sister Shauna . She gave me an air freshener with a note that said 'Here use this you smell.' But after that I punched her in the face." Lynn says.

  "Wow! Shauna can actually be mean!?" I say in mock surprise.

  "Oh shut up Zeke. Speaking of Zeke he is the one that gave me my worst present." Shauna says

  "What me!? I always give you great presents!" I defend.

  She scoffs,"No you don't that's a lie. So it our one year anniversary and I had this awesome gift for him. When he woke up I surprised him and gave him his present. He then stood there staring at me then ran out the door. A couple of minutes later he came back with a piece of Dauntless cake that obviously came from the trash beacuse there was differnt kinds of foods stuck to it and was already mostly eaten. So he not only forgot our anniversary but he gave me a gift from the trash."

  "Wowwww dude that's low." Four says

  "Hey! I'm sure you didn't remember your anniversary." I shoot back.

  He chuckles,"Yeah beacuse ours is in exactly a week from tomorrow." Tris grins and kisses him then leans into his side. She thinks for a second and sits up.

  "Well you did forget my birthday." She says

  "Ooooooo burn!!!" I shout.

  "Will forgot our anniversary." Christina says

  "And Uriah forgot my birthday." Marlene adds

  "Looks like you all have terrible boyfriends." Lynn says

   "You know what that means?" I ask Four looks at me and grins.

  "Time for an episode of who's the better couple." We say at the same time.


A/N: I'm SOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't updated in forever and I know this chapter is really short, I've just been so busy lately. It's just getting closer to the end of the year and all of my teacher's are loading me with tons of work to do. So this story may be ending soon maybe in the next couple of chapters same with my other story. I just have so many ideas for Divergent fanfics I can do. Once i narrow them down I will have you guys vote on which idea you like the best. 

  Thank you so much for reading and being so pacient with my slow updates! I love you all so much!!!



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