Chapter 2

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Zeke's POV

I pull Four out and everyone falls to the floor cracking up after taking a picture of him with all of their phones but he didn't seem to notice through his anger. let me paint you a picture of my beautiful creation.

I am actually not terrible when it comes to knowing how to put makeup on. now before you start calling me a girl it's just that when One time Shauna broke both of her arms so she made me do her makeup so I learned from there.

Anyways back to Four. I based him off of a REALLY girly princess. so I put pink eyeshadow on and a bunch of eyeliner and mascara and bright pink lips and blush. it's not that bad if I do say so my self. then for the cherry on the top I made him wear (as in knocked him out) a bright pink puffy princess dress and tiara. and just to make it a little better, heels and earrings, fake ones of course.

Now that you have seen the "beautiful" princess Four now you will hear "her" wrath.

"Oh my gosh Four you look ridiculous, so not intimidating anymore." Christina says. He just glares at her.

"This is priceless!" Uriah exclaims looking at the picture he took. Four looks over and sees that he took a picture.

"Uriah get that off of your phone right now delete it!!" Four shouts trying to take the phone out if his hands, but Uriah just laughs,"its ok it's not like everyone else here has a picture as well." Uriah says sarcastically and with an evil smirk

Four turns around and looks at everyone and then looks at Tris as in asking if she took one. she smiles innocently then holds up the picture. I start to laugh because now we all have something against him.

He glares at me,"I will get you back Zeke." is all he says then sits back down in his spot and flicks is all off.

Most people would be shitting their pants if they were me but I'm not. I know my best friend. He will embarrass you so bad where no one can ever forget about it even your grandchildren's grandchildren, but he will never do anything to physically hurt the people that are the closet to him.

One thing I do know is that I just started a war between us and whoever can embarrass each other the most wins. I look over at him seeing that he is thinking the same thing. we nod are heads as in excepting our challenge. He is going down!

Tris's POV

Tobias sits next to me to start the game. then I see him and Zeke having a silent conversation then they nod their heads as in excepting a challenge. this isn't going to end good. but I have to admit its priceless seeing Tobias dressed like this.

"Ok Will truth or dare?" Tobias asks.

"Well I don't want to be one of your revenge dares so I will pick truth." Will replies.

"Ok what is the worst thing you lied about to Christina?" Will looks over at her and takes of his shirt while she gives him one of her looks.

"Eric truth or dare?" Will asks,"dare." no surprise there.

"I dare you for the next 3 rounds you have to do the truth or dare given." Eric doesn't move to take off a clothing item so I guess he will do it.

"Lynn truth or dare?" Eric asks,"Dare I'm dauntless."

"I dare you to run around in the pit and scream"Help I've lost my voice someone help me find it!" Lynn just smirks and gets up.

"Who's going to witness?" Lynn asks,"ohh I will!!!" me and Uriah shout at the same time.

Lynn walks over to the pit as Uriah and I stand at the corner watching her. She goes right in the middle of everyone and starts to run and scream,"HELP IVE LOST MY VOICE SOMEONE HELP ME FIND IT!!"

People just give her strange looks and some ask what's wrong with her. I mean come on she's screaming she lost her voice with her voice I would look at her like she's crazy also.

We walk back in and show everyone the video of Lynn going crazy.

"Ok Marlene truth or dare?" Lynn asks


"I dare you to find a couple outside then push your way through and say,"excuse me I need to get through."

Uriah and Shauna follow her out. and when they come back in they are cracking up and show us the video of Marlene pushing through a couple making out and they start yelling at her and they guy tries to punch her but Marlene punches him first and runs away.

"Ok Uriah truth or dare?"
"Dare I'm no pansycake."
"I dare you to play seven minutes with me."

Uriah grins then they walk off into the closet. when they come back out their hair is a mess and Marlene's shirt is falling off her shoulder.

"Four truth or dare?" Uriah asks

"Dare" Uriah looks over at his brother and smirks

"I dare you to take off that costume and makeup and put on your regular clothes."

Tobias jumps up,"you don't need to tell me twice." And he goes into the bathroom.

Zeke looks over at his brother,"why did you do that!?"

Uriah just laughs,"i wanna see you get embarrassed so badly so I'm on Four's

"Oh so now we have sides?" Zeke asks

Uriah just grins and nods.

"Okay who's on my side. As in who wants to see Four lose?" Zeke asks.

It would be really funny to see Tobias do all of the dares that Zeke will probably ask but I have to be a good girlfriend and side with my boyfriend, but apparently Shauna has a different way of thinking because she doesn't raise her hand.

I look around and see that Eric, Will, Christina, and Marlene raise their hands.

"And who's siding with me?" I hear Tobias say I turn around and see him leaning on the doorway smirking dressed in all black no pink just the way I love him.

Uriah, Shauna, Lynn, and I raise our hands. He smiles and sits down next to me putting his arm around my waist. I smile and cuddle into him as he kisses my forehead.

"Wow Shauna I thought you would side with me." Zeke says put his hand over his heart.

"Eh I think it would be funny to see you suffer, but I still love you." she says

"Ok let's get on with the game Four it's your turn." Lynn says.

"Lynn truth or dare?"

"Is that even a question dare, my answer is always dare."

"I dare you to kiss the first person you see."

She walks outside and the first person there is Peter. she goes up to him and grabs his face and kisses him on he lips. he pulls back and before he can punch her see runs back into the room.

He just shrugs and walks away. we all start laughing. "Ok Christina truth or dare?"


"Pansycake!!" Uriah yells

Christina just roles her eyes and waits for Lynn to come up with a truth.

"What's your biggest fear?"

Christina groans and takes off her shirt. I notice that Will is staring so I clear my throat and he looks away red.

"Zeke truth or dare?"


"I dare you to sit on Four's lap for the rest of this game."

Zeke looks over at Tobias and wiggles his eyebrows, runs over and literally jumps onto his lap.

Tobias grunts and falls back with Zeke still sitting on his lap,"you can't just jump onto my man area. I know I don't look like it but I can get hurt also."

Zeke just starts cracking up,"im sorry I forgot you had a man area I was thinking you were a girl at first because you sure looked like one earlier."

Tobias sits up and slaps his face earning Zeke a little red spot in the shape of a hand on his cheek.

Zeke's POV

"Ok Eric truth or dare?" I ask


"I dare you to kiss the person you have a crush on."

He moves to take off his shirt but I stop him,"uh-uh-uh remember that dare from earlier you have to do the next 3 dares."

He looks around the room and slowly gets up obviously trying to take his time then his watch beeps,"opps will you look at the time I've got to go."

He heads to the door but I block the door,"after you finish this dare or else we will all know that your a pansycake and wouldn't that be tragic if the entire compound found out that their beloved leader is a coward?"

He glares at me and turns back around. I walk back to my spot on Four's lap. I just really want to know who Eric likes.

He walks over towards where we are sitting. I can already guess it's probably Tris because she's the only girl by us and I can tell that Four thinks so too because he stiffens.

What happens next surprises me more then anything. he goes over to Four kisses him and runs out of the door.

We all sit there in silence but after a couple of seconds we all start cracking up, but Four he just sits there looking like he just saw a ghost.

I'm laughing so hard that I fall off of Four's lap and onto the floor with my ribs hurting from laughing and falling onto the floor. I look around the room and see Tris laughing so hard that she's crying.

After about 10 minutes we all calm down.

"Well that was so unexpected." Will says.

"And halarious!!" Uriah adds.

"Ok ok now let's just forget about it I sure as heck wanna." Four says,"ok so Shauna truth or dare?"

"Dare." She says while whipping off her tears.

He pushes me off of his lap onto the floor which by the way really hurt. I lay on the floor for a while while Four whispers something in her ear. She smiles and heads into my bedroom. Four sits back down and I jump back onto him but not as hard as last time he just makes an "omf" sound this time.

"What did you dare her?" I ask

"Well I've been over here millions of times and have had many drunk times and hangovers over here and I remember one time you showed me your "special" pajamas." he says

"What special pajamas?" Tris asks grinning

"Oh you will see." he replies smirking

"What did you do?" I ask giving him a glare if anyone saw those I would be ruined.

"All in good time young grasshopper." he says while grinning.

He put his arm around Tris and I push him back, but it backfires because he lets go of Tris and pulls me down with him to where I'm practically laying right on him.

Me along with everyone else but Four starts cracking up,"ughh get off of me! you really need to go on a diet you've had to much Dauntless cake." he says while trying to push me off but I move to where I'm sitting right on his stomach.

"Wow Four I thought you were a lot stronger then this." I say

"Well I could push you off of me if you weren't sitting on both of my hands."

Before I can reply Shauna comes out hold a pair of pink footy pajamas with unicorns and rainbows on it. oh no!

I jump off of Four and charge over to Shauna who is holding up my pajamas and is just standing there smiling. I try to rip them out of her hands but she has to strong of a grip.

Four comes over and starts smiling,"there's no need to take them away everyone already saw them." then he swings his arm around my shoulder and gestures to around the room where sure enough everyone is cracking up.

"So that's it that's all you wanted her to do with it? come on Four I thought you would come up with something better." I say

He just smirks and sits back down. Me and Shauna do the same.

"Ok Zeke truth or dare?"


"This part is of what Four dared me to do so don't get mad at me, but I dare you to go out into the crowded pit with these pajamas on."

"What! heck no! not in the pit!" I exclaim while taking off my shirt that was a pretty good dare.

"Four truth or dare?" I ask


"I dare to agree on a ending of our little 'war' it's pretty exhausting having one with you." I say but in all honesty I just know that if we keep this up he will win but I would never admit that to him.

He laughs and nods his head,"okay."

"Yay! no more fighting with my bestie!!" I exclaim in a very high pitched girl voice.

He rolls his eyes at me,"you truly are strange."

"I know! but that's why you love me!"

He just laughs and rolls his eyes then we get on with the game.

A/N: another chapter done! I hope you guys liked it. If you have any ideas please comment down below.

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