Run 18

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Important note at the bottom, guys!


"Gracie, sweetie, mommy loves you. Mommy loves you lots. Can you wait here for mommy?"

A small girl with ratty pigtails and a floral shirt and shorts looked up at a young woman. She shook her head no. The young woman bent down and forcefully pulled the girl's clenched fingers from her skirt hem.

"Gracie, wait here for mommy. Mommy needs her friends."

The young mother left the girl at the park's edge, crossing the street and entering a liqueur store, coming back out ten minutes later with a brown paper bag.

Cherry vodka and cheap crack from the backroom.

My mother's favorite friends.


I jolted up in bed, covers strewn about my feet, pulse going crazy and tears threatening to fall.

Breathing hard, I ran a shaky hand through my tangled curls.

Gotta call someone. Gotta talk to someone. Mommy's gonna get me.

I tried to shake the thoughts and memories from my head.

Cherry vodka. The smell of rotting food. Crystallized, white powder. Helping mommy up when she collapsed. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.

Oh my holy shit on a cracked out stick.

Ok, Gracie. I tried to regulate my breathing. I never thought about this. It was under lock and key, hidden away so I could be free.

Shaun. I should call Shaun. He helped me when my car broke down, and when I was sick, right? He can help me now.

I reached a trembling hand out for my cellphone, and scrolled through my contacts, finally stopping at the name Shaun, which was accompanied by a picture of the idiot himself.

I pressed call.

Ring. ring. ring. ri-


I sighed with relief, scrubbing a hand over my tired face. No tears.

"Hey, Shaun? It's, um, it's Gracie."

I breathed out a shaky laugh. Jeezus, I'm so awkward.

"I just was calling, bec-"

I was cut off by a voice from the other line.

"Baby, come on. Come back to bed." A woman said, sounding suspiciously like Giggles. Giggles was over there?

Shaun sighed. "Gracie, I'm really sorry, but I gotta go."

"Baby, you promised!" Giggles whimpered.

"Bye Gracie. See you tomorrow."

Click. He hung up.

Shaun White, my friend, who had helped me when he didn't have to, with a girlfriend no less, hung up on me when I needed him the most.

Well, screw him. I don't need him or any other man. I'm fine on my own.
I can kill my own spiders and fix my own dodgy car.

Don't be the woman who needs a man. Instead, be the woman a man needs.

Thanks, anonymous person who's said that. I will.

So, kinda a shit chapter, I know. And late, I'm sorry about that too!

Thank you for staying with the story!

Uh, I also totally forgot what the important message was. Oops! 😋

Have a lovely, lovely day!!


P.S. what do you think will happen next? Comment what you think!

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