Run 8

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Run 8


"Eep!" I squeak, and quickly flip back around in my chair. I clench my thin fingers into fists in my lap. Since when does Shaun have a girlfriend?

I slowly raise my eyes to meet Kaitlyn's. She raises a perfect blonde eyebrow. "You aren't bothered by that?" She asks.

I bite my lip. Well, inner Gracie? Am I?

'Yes.' Gracie Guru nods her head. 'Yes, Gracie, we are. That's your scrumptious man! Are you just going to-'

"Nope." I say, and flash her a wobbly grin. 'Oh my god, Gracie, is your PMS all whack again? You should not be crying! You don't care!' I tell myself.

Kaitlyn takes a sip of her infernal coffee and gives me an appraising look. "Oh really? And why don't I believe you?"

Damn. She knows me too well.

I shrug off-handedly and focus on the cheesy inspirational poster behind her blonde head. "I dunno. Maybe you're high on coffee?"

Kaitlyn rolls her eyes and grins. "You can't get high on coffee, Gracie. You can only get high on stuff like coke, or weed."

"Or crystal meth," I supply.

"You know, Gracie, I don't think I know anyone who does drugs." Kaitlyn says thoughtfully, tapping a mint fingernail on the edge of her cup.

"Yeah you do. Dana's smoked weed, before." I say. And my mom. But I don't say that.

"Oh, right. I forgot about tha-"

"Kaitlyn?" A very male, very Shaun voice says behind me. "Gracie!"

I squeak again (I need to learn how to make a more lady-like sound) and look at Kaitlyn with wide eyes. She shrugs, in a universal sign of I Can't help You Here, Dude.

I slowly turn around to face Shaun, who, Lo and behold, has little miss perfect hanging off his arm.

"Shaun!" I exclaim in a fake surprised voice. Oh my god, can this get any worse?

And you know what? It does.

"Oh, I love you're jacket!" Shaun's arm candy (I'm so prettier) giggles.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I'm wearing my old red plaid Burton jacket. She's wearing what? Dolce and Gabbana? "Oh." I say, sort of at a loss for words. "Thanks, I guess. I um, like you're boots?"

She titters and flips her hair over shoulder, while Shaun looks on with a dazed look on his stupid face. The idiot.

"Thanks! There from the new line of high fashion Uggs!"

I nod. "That's nice."

I hear Kaitlyn mutter an "Of course" under her breath. I kick her under the table. I might not like her, but she seems nice. Definitely not a snowboarder though.

"So Shaun, " Kaitlyn says, snapping him out of his girl induced daze.

Man, he is just killing me, that adorable, hot dipwad.

"Huh?" He looks at her and runs a pale hand through his ginger curls.

"Who's this?" She asks and looks pointedly at Giggles over there.

Giggles giggles.

Shaun blushes and kisses the side of her head lightly. I twist my fingers in my purple knit scarf. What is this feeling?

"Oh, guys, this is my new girlfriend, Angie."


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