Run 7

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'I see fire! Burning the trees!'


(5 minutes later)

'It's the darkness in the light! Disturbia!'


(2 1/2 minutes later)

'I was following the pack I was following their coats, with scars of-'

"Dammit! Why won't you just turn off when I want you to?!"

I pulled the covers off of my face and lay splayed out on my back, staring blankly at my ceiling.

"Monday mornings. Who the hell came up with that idea?"


By the time I actually got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed, I was very close to being behind schedule.

I swooshed into my kitchen in my socks (sock skating-best. thing. ever.). Stopping in front of my microwave Rick I shoved a container of Easy Mac and set the timer.

I crouched down to eye level with Rick and gave him a stern talking to.

"Heat. My. Food." I glared at it and softened. "Please."

I think electronics work better if you're nice to them.

And you know what?

It didn't work.

My Mac and Cheese was as cold, lumpy and stuck in a plastic packet as ever.

"Damn you Microwave!" I shouted as I ran through my apartment, trying to simultaneously pull on snow pants, drink tea, and fix one of the lenses that popped out of my favorite goggles.

"I should replace you! Then we'll see who's the real boss around here!"

My microwave Rick did absolutely nothing. Bugger.

"Oh, screw it." I grumbled, grabbing my stuff and swinging my red Burton bag onto my back and rushing out the door in a Gracie-colored blur.

World, must you?


I happened to get to the slopes in record time, (meaning only 15 minutes late) and was instantly pulled away by Ricky.

I did however, catch a glimpse of a tall, gangly body clad in all black, with shocking red curls. Shaun.

"Hey, Ricky," I tugged on his sleeve with the hand that wasn't holding my board. Ricky looked down at me and raised an eyebrow. I don't think he's had his morning coffee yet.

"What, Gracie? If this is about yesterday's conversation of Flying Fish being secret unicorns, then I don't want to hear it."

"Pegasus-es." I muttered under my breath testily. "And no, it's not. I was just wondering if maybe, well,"

I glanced back behind me to see Shaun and some older dude (coach?) making their merry way toward the pipes.

I looked at Ricky again and grinned cheekily. "We could work on that 1260 today?"

Ricky wasted no time in answering.


"Yea- wait. No?"

"No, Gracie. No."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so, Gracie." Ricky sighed and clapped a hand to my shoulder. "Practice it on your own time."

I groaned internally. I looked back behind me again, but Shaun had already disappeared in the crowd.



After morning training and a brief stint at the gym (I'll just go another day,) I found myself right back where I was a few days ago- Starbucks, hoping to see Shaun there. He likes coffee, I remember. God knows why, the stuff is Nast-ola, but to each's own I guess.

'Now, where in the world is that delicious bite of ginger?'

I groaned and flopped my head onto the table.

'What? Miss me?' Inner Gracie smirked.

"I thought I told you to go away!" I grumbled quietly to myself.

"Excuse me?" A voice I knew quite well said, sounding slightly miffed.

I looked up into the blue eyes of Kaitlyn. "Oh, hey. Sorry, I was talking to myself." I apologized.

Kaitlyn brushed a hand through her hair and sat down in the seat across from me, and nearly dropping her huge-ass bag on my toes.

"So. I saw Shaun today." Kaitlyn said off-handedly.

I raised an eyebrow interestedly.

"Where? I just saw his butt earlier."

"Ooh." Kaitlyn grinned at me and waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I slapped her arm. "Not like that! But where did you see him?"

Behind us the door chime tinkled, signaling that there was a new customer. Kaitlyn, who's facing the door, slowly went from smiling to a confused expression.

I looked at her weirdly. "What?" I asked her.

Kaitlyn ignored me, and muttered to herself. "I thought he was single."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat. "Kaitlyn, if this is about that guy, what's-his-face, he's a d-bag. You're better off without him."

Kaitlyn gave me her famous glare. "His name is Jason, and it's not me. It's Shaun."

Wait, what? What'd she say?

"Err, what?" I ask weirdly. Kaitlyn just points in front of her towards the door(not very subtle, either), signaling me to turn around.

I do(god knows why, because the last time I did there was a giant spider behind me) but this time I wish it was a spider, and not what I'm seeing.

Because right behind me, in full view, I might add, is Shaun and a gorgeous, stylish ski bunny brunet kissing like there's no tomorrow.

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