Mandela Effects

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The name of the theory comes from many people feeling certain they could remember Nelson Mandela dying while he was still in prison back in the ’80s. Contrary to what many thought, Mandela’s actual death was on Dec. 5, 2013, despite some people claiming to remember seeing clips of his funeral on TV.

These false memories have some people thinking their memory is bad, but some wonder if they’ve gone to a parallel universe, or if time travelers have gone to the past and slightly affected our present, or if they’re simply losing their freakin’ minds. Whichever it is, what’s most interesting about the Mandela effect is that so many individuals share the same false memories.

1. Curious George never had a tail.

A lot of people even claim to remember seeing him use his tail to swing from the trees. If you look up pictures of Curious George right now, you’ll see that he doesn’t have a tail, meaning either your memory made the whole thing up or you’ve, like, drifted into a parallel universe. (I never saw him with a tail in my lifetime)

2. Fruit loops is actually spelled "Froot loops"

Some say it was originally “Fruit Loops” and then changed to “Froot Loops,” while others believe it went from “Froot Loops” to “Fruit Loops.” Many people claim this change happened during their childhood, while others say they just noticed it in recent months. Whatever you believe, if you google the cereal or find a box in real life, you’ll see “Froot Loops” printed across the front. Unless, of course, you’re reading this from some other dimension.

3. Barbie Girl

Older Millennials will remember the late ’90s as a magical time for bouncy dance music and Europop hits. One of the most popular middle school dance hits at this time was a song by Aqua named “Barbie Girl,” in which a woman makes fun of the fact that Barbies are totally plastic. It started off with the now-classic line of “I’m a Barbie girl, in…”

What was the next word in that line? Did she say “in a Barbie world,” or “in the Barbie world?” For most Millennials, the line would be obviously “in a Barbie world,” but in this reality, it’s not! According to lyrics sites, the full line is: “I’m a Barbie girl, in the Barbie World.” Could this be us all mishearing the lyrics, or is it something more?

(Just something that I wrote untill I can find some more theorys)

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