The Call

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"What! Please tell me you're not joking!" Ariel said as I told her what happened. She was stuffing her face with french fries and I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face.

"Haha, no I'm not joking. Why would you think that? Here, I have proof."

I took the napkin out of my pocket. The shocked look she gave made me die laughing. She almost got choked. I was scared for a second, but she started laughing again.

"Okay, I'm not going to let you die from shock, give me the napkin back."

That made her laugh even more. She had to put her food down. She caught her breath and then started laughing again.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"The whole thing. You made a complete fool of yourself. Then she gave you her number. She likes you."

Ariel had a point, maybe she did like me. The only problem is that if she doesn't, I don't know what I would do. OMG Holly gets a grip, you only just met the girl.

Ariel pulled me out of my negative thoughts, by waving her hand in front of my face.

"Hello, earth to Holly. Is anyone in there?"

"Huh, oh yeah sorry. Just thinking."

"Well, are you going to call her?"

"What? No, not yet. Isn't there a certain amount of time before you are supposed to call someone? Anyway, I can't even if I wanted to because she is at work."

I did want to call her. I just don't want to seem desperate, or needy. I don't know. My mind says one thing and then my heart says another. It keeps going back and forth.

Wait, wait my heart? When did my heart get into this? I mean I don't even know this girl. How can I like her? That was my mind talking, and then my heart had to put its two cents in.

She's so beautiful. From her eyes and her hair. She looks like a princess from a fairy tale. She was so cute in her uniform too. OMG and the smell of her perfume were to die for.

Wait her perfume? What was the smell? I tried my hardest to think back. I closed my eyes and remembered. Vanilla. It was vanilla. No wonder I couldn't forget it. I LOVE the smell of vanilla.

Ariel was laughing at me and I opened my eyes. She raised her eyebrow as if to ask me what I was thinking about. I rolled my eyes in response.

"To answer your question Holly, no there is no certain time to wait to call someone. She gave you her number so obviously she wants you to call."

She had a point. Maybe I should call the worst-case scenario is that she won't answer.

Wow, that made me feel a pain in my chest. Why was I so hung up on this girl? I do like her. I just hope she feels the same way.

"I'm going to go upstairs to my room," I said as I grabbed my phone.

"Don't forget to call her!" She yelled.

I gave her a small laugh before I shut the door. I jumped on my bed and a few pillows hit the floor. I turned my phone on, went to the contacts, and pushed Scarlett's name. Yes, I already have her number on my phone. It's not a big deal.

I hesitated. What if she was still working? She definitely wouldn't answer the phone if she was. I decided to send her a text. That way it wouldn't interrupt her and she could get back to me at any time.

Hey Scarlett it's me, Holly. The girl who was stuttering in line lol. You gave me your number. I didn't know if you were still working or not so I decided to text you.

I hit send and waited. It seemed like forever, although it was only five minutes. I kept reminding myself that she was at work.


My phone went off. I grabbed it and almost dropped it. I looked at the screen and it was her. She texted back!

Hey there beautiful. 😉 How are you doing? Yeah, I remember you. I didn't think you were going to text me back. I just got your message I was driving home. Lol, don't worry I thought the stuttering was cute. 😉

OMG, I can't believe she texted back! I'm so excited! I texted back very quickly. I hope not too fast.

I'm doing well. Of course, I'm going to text you. A pretty girl gives me her number, why wouldn't I? It's okay that you just texted back. I'm glad you drove home safely.

Send, OMG I hope I don't sound like a weirdo. I worry so much about how I say things. Am I flirting? Is she flirting? I don't even know how to think of this.


I'm doing good too. Just made dinner. (mac and cheese 😜) Aww, I'm glad you think I'm pretty. Thank you beautiful.

Okay, she has to be flirting.

OMG, I love mac and cheese. And of course, I think you're pretty. No, wait scratch that. You're beautiful. You have the most beautiful emerald-green eyes I've ever seen. Your black hair covers your face perfectly. Your skin is flawless. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Send. Oh no! I can't believe I sent that. OMG, I just ruined everything! How could I be so stupid?


Holly... I have to tell you something...

Oh no, here it goes. She's going to call the cops. OMG, she's going to tell me to lose her number. OMG no I can't do that OMG I have to apologize!


Holly, there's something I have to tell you. It's hard for me to tell new people. Okay here goes. Holly, I'm gay... I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable. That's why I call you beautiful because you are. I don't want you to not like me. I understand if you do not. I'm sorry if this makes things weird. I hope we can become friends. I'm sorry, I just thought you should know. I'll understand if you want me to not talk to you anymore. 😔

Wow, she just came out to me. She is so brave. I need to tell her about me too. If she can trust me, I can trust her.

Scarlett, I'm glad that you told me. It doesn't make things uncomfortable. I'm really glad that you think I'm beautiful. Scarlett, there's something I have to tell you. I'm also gay. The only people who know are you and my best friend. My family doesn't know yet. I'm glad you trust me with this and I trust you too. I know we just met, but there is something about you that draws me closer. I want to get to know you if that's okay. You could never make things weird Scarlett if anyone is it's me. 😉


Wow, I'm glad you trust me, Holly. I know what you mean. Something is drawing us together. Holly if it's not much to ask, and you're not doing anything tomorrow, would you like to go out for coffee?

OMG, she asked me out. I can't believe she asked me out.

Yes, yes, yes! I would love to. What time should we meet?


Haha, how about tomorrow at 10 am at Starbucks? I'll be sitting at the corner table. I'll wear a flannel shirt with black skinny jeans. I'll have my hair down with a grey beanie.

Okay Scarlett, sounds good. I'll be wearing black leggings with a white shirt and white flats. Can't wait for tomorrow. 😉

We texted until it was time for bed. We had an exciting day tomorrow. We made plans for the entire day. I couldn't wait for our coffee date. I just hope tomorrow goes as planned. But with my luck it never does...

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