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Sophia sucked in a breath when the warm comforting weight of her human was ripped away. She rolled to find the culprit and just had time to realize Mr. Hunt was standing beside her bed with a wooden spear in his hands. Then she choked on a scream as the thick spear of wood impaled her chest, piercing her lung and making it painful to breathe.

She wrapped her fingers around the shaft of wood protruding from her chest, struggling to push it out. But the angle, and the fact that Hunt stood above her holding it steady, meant it wouldn't be budged. Hunt grinned down at her.


She hissed, her eyes blazing red. Then she was struggling in earnest as Silence rammed Hunt away from the bed and they both went down in a scrapping mess. Her eyes stayed on the men scrambling for the upper hand on her bedroom floor as her clawed fingers clenched tight around the wooden spear and pulled.

She had only managed to withdraw the spear about a foot before she was distracted by Silence getting kicked off. He skidded across the floor as Hunt got to his feet. Hunt's gaze flicked between the angry young man and Sophia, debating which one of them would need subduing first. Sophia gasped in a painful breath as Silence flipped to his feet and Hunt drew his pistol.

Her scream of denial as Hunt aimed and Silence charged only came out as a breathy moan.

Silence bared his teeth in an unheard snarl as he launched himself at the slayer. The man was a skilled fighter, but Silence had vicious protection on his side. Sophia could only bite her lip as Silence defended her with everything in him. Time seemed to slow as Hunt pulled the trigger and the bullet ripped across Silences' thigh. A superficial wound, but one that would slow him.

Or, should have slowed him.

Silence only seemed to charge faster, fingers reaching for the pistol. Hunt tightened his grip on the weapon, thinking that Silence would try to take it from him. Silence was smarter than that. Sophia grit her teeth around a smile as Silence fingered the release for the revolver and the pistol fell open, scattering bullets. Hunt blinked in surprise for a moment before tossing the suddenly useless weapon and drawing a short sword instead.

Silence dodged back quick, sparing Sophia a glance. She wrenched the spear out another foot, straining her entire body in an effort to get free and help Silence faster. How long was this wretched spear?! She had to get up. She had to help Silence.

Hunt chased the young man around the room, hacking and slashing. Silence had managed to dodge so far, but his luck could only go on for so long. He went spinning around Hunt, being more of an annoying distraction than an actual opponent. But Hunt was quickly running out of patience.

Sophia strained again to get free as Hunt punched Silence in the face, stunning him. She screamed when the slayer slashed down, striking Silence across his left shoulder and rendering that arm useless. Silence staggered, holding a hand to the wound, unaware of how Sophia was spitting mad curses behind him.

"You pathetic human! If you kill him I swear on the Sire I'll turn you and force you to serve me for all eternity! Leave him alone and face me you coward! I'm the one you want!"

The slayer grinned as Silence swayed and crashed to the floor between them. "I do want you. But I'm not opposed to taking out your little pets when they get in my way." He stepped over Silence's motionless form as he came towards her, absently bumping him as he went. "He put up a good fight. I'll give him a proper burial in remembrance of his courage."

Sophia snarled angrily, snapping her teeth as her claws grasped the spear and tugged again. "You bastard!" He laughed at her, just out of her reach. Her chest heaved as she watched him pull a stake from his jacket. She locked eyes with him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of watching her cry or beg.

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