A Morbid Turn

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Silence resolved to forget about Pierre's temper. The day of riding had been glorious, and he wouldn't let a jealous show of anger ruin that for him. He followed Sophia into the house and patiently waited outside her quarters while she changed out of her riding clothes and into something more appropriate for dinner.

She smiled when he gave her a short bow and offered her his arm to escort her back to the dining room. Silence grinned back, liking the way the tension had faded from her face and posture. They walked arm in arm through the halls and Silence pulled out Sophia's chair for her, imitating what he saw the waitstaff doing for her.

Once she was comfortable, Silence settled in his own seat and relaxed. ' Thank you.'

Sophia smiled sadly. 'Sorry about Pierre. He doesn't mean to be violent.' Silence shrugged it off, but Sophia still seemed upset about it. Silence took in a breath and reached over to take her hand. He prompted her to smile with one of his own, his lop-sided grin becoming more genuine when she attempted. Then he was pulling away as dinner was brought out.

They were served their dinner and they ate with slowly fading tension. After dinner, they had almost returned to normal. Normal enough that Sophia didn't protest when Silence took her hand and drew her towards the study. Silence was quite sure she expected him to ask for lessons. He had other ideas.

Silence pressed her down to sit on the couch, becoming awkward as he tried to figure out how to show her what he was offering. The first two times she had taken his blood, he hadn't really been given a choice. He pressed his lips together as Sophia cocked her head in question, her brows knitting together.

He took in a deep breath and perched on the seat next to her, taking her hands in his and giving the lightest of tugs. He leaned in and brushed his lips against the side of her neck, right where she always bit him. Sophia tensed, but it appeared she had understood. She turned before he could retreat fully and caught his lips with hers.

For a moment, Silence thought time had stopped. He felt his heart abruptly begin beating again and he eagerly learned what he could from the soft press of her lips. From her closed eyes and relaxed expression. This was something he knew was reserved for only the intimate. The thought that Sophia, that anyone, wanted him intimately...

He shuddered when she pulled away to look at him in question. He wasn't about to let this opportunity go however. He closed his eyes and leaned in again, catching the huff of amusement against his face right before her lips touched his again.

Silence sighed as she pressed against him. Her fingers traced down his jaw, prompting him to tilt his head just so. Her tongue slid against his bottom lip, teasing him. Her other hand closed around his hand and tugged, trying to show him where to hold her. Silence parted his lips to gasp and he felt the brush of amusement Sophia breathed against his face again. He couldn't quite open up his eyes. The warm fluttering feeling in his stomach was not something he had ever felt before.

Sophia pressed kisses to the side of his mouth, then along his jaw and down onto his throat. Silence rolled his head to give her access. He expected her to bite him. Instead, her thumb brushed against his cheek, prompting him to look at her. He raised a brow in question.

He wilted a little when she drew her hands away from him, then watched her fingers sign. 'You want this?' He nodded emphatically. 'Why?' He frowned, thinking. Why, indeed. He finally shrugged.

'We had a bargain.'

Sophia slowly smiled, but there was something rueful in it. Silence frowned, his hands coming up to frame her face as he tried to figure out why this was important to her. Why she would be upset he was holding up his end of their deal. Did she not want to continue this arrangement? He frowned, wanting that one cleared up immediately.

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