Continued Lessons

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Sophia was almost done penning Silence's new schedule when Matilda came into the office. She looked pale and a little shaky, concerning Sophia.

"Matilda? What's wrong? Are you ill?"

Matilda quickly shook her head. "Oh, no My Lady. Silence startled me. Or rather, I believe I startled him when I touched him when he didn't expect it and he grabbed my wrist a little faster than I first thought possible."

Sophia stiffened. "Did he hurt you?"

Matilda shook her head again, lightly stepping across the room to stop in front of the desk. "No Ma'am. And he let me go as soon as he realized who I was and that he had scared me. I think he was just trying to make sure I wouldn't hurt him."

Sophia studied the young woman for a long moment, then nodded and bent her head over the paper once more. "Alright. Please, sit." She waited until Matilda had taken a seat and then lifted her eyes to the young woman again. "I would like to talk with you about Silence."

Matilda blinked, suddenly unsure. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"You are, of course, permitted to refuse this request if you would rather not. I need someone to teach Silence how to follow a schedule." She picked up the paper she had just finished and extended it across the desk to Matilda. The young woman took it and scanned the list of times and tasks to be completed. "He is an intelligent boy. I would imagine you could teach it to him in one, perhaps two, days. All he really needs is a push in the right direction."

Matilda glanced over the paper at Sophia before dropping her gaze again. "Some of these things are rather vague. Chores. Lessons. ...What am I to do with him during Free time?"

Sophia smiled, lacing her fingers together. "Chores will be handed out by Mrs. Colbert. I will speak with her about appropriate tasks to be done. Lessons I will handle myself. He will need to learn much more reading and writing before we move on to things that require more explanation. As for free time, he will be permitted to do what he chooses. It will probably be a little difficult to explain at first but I think the two of you can work it out. I'm also quite sure he will choose to spend much of his free time with Francois in the stables."

Matilda smiled. "That is where I've found him both times I've been sent looking for him."

"So? Does this responsibility seem like something you are suited for?" Sophia brightened when Matilda nodded.

"Yes Ma'am. I believe I can do this."

"Good. You keep that, give it to him in the morning. The faster he gets used to this, the better. And you should probably get some rest yourself. It's getting late."

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am."

Sophia watched the young woman leave the study and sat back in her chair, thinking. Silence had frightened the girl, but she was still willing to help teach him. That boded well. It also lent credence to her claim that Silence was nothing to be worried about. He might have grown up on the streets, but he was far from some animal who would steal or rape.

She sighed as she lifted her fingers to brush the place on her neck where Silence had kissed her. It seemed to mean something to him, but she wasn't quite sure what. It hadn't seemed sexual.

Sophia sighed and pushed the thoughts away. She had better things to do than worry about whatever thoughts had been flitting through his mind, high on pheromones. If it continued to happen, she could ask him about it later.

That evening, as the sun began to set, Sophia slid out of her luxurious feather bed and to the lush carpeted floor. She drew a dressing gown around herself and pushed her light brown hair off her shoulders. She sighed as she stalked to the window, staring at the drawn drapes.

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