Chapter Three

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Hurriedly but carefully, Beca followed the ambulance as close as possible as they both sped off toward the hospital. She took a small detour to drop Beck off with her mom but managed to make it to the hospital seconds before the vans flew into the emergency entrance. She ripped the belt off and sprinted toward the main doors, shocked by how much speed she could actually pick up.

"Ma'am, you can't come this way. This is for emergency clientele only." A nurse attempted to stop Beca as she ran for the groups of paramedics that rushed her family in, but she was relentless. So much so that the nurse had to call for reinforcements.

"No. No! NO!!" The tiny brunette screamed as the security guards managed to restrain her with much difficulty. For her size, the girl sure can pack a punch. "Let me go! I need to be with them! Please let me go! She needs me!" Beca pulled herself from the men's firm grip and darted for the paramedics again. Her body soon met with the marble floor with a knee in her back and her arms being pinned. "ANNE! CHLOE!" She could feel the eyes of every patient and staff member glued to her, but she didn't care.

The guards waited for the paramedics to be out of sight before they let up their grip slightly. Beca was calm now, quietly crying beneath the weight of the guard, mumbling "my babies" over and over again. "Ma'am, if we move, you have to promise to stay calm and not chase them." Beca silently looked over her shoulder at the men, breaking the hearts of every female in the room at the sight of red puffiness from crying. "Ma'am, we need your word." They repeated, but still received nothing, "Ma'am."

"Yes. I mean, I won't." Beca spoke finally, her voice shaky. Slowly, the guards stepped away and watched the tiny girl lift herself off of the ground. She stood there for minute, looking between the two men, then made a run in that direction again. The guards, having expected it, were immediately on her tail and pulling her back. "Fuck!" She screamed in a piercingly loud manner as she was dragged from the door and back into the waiting area.

"Ma'am, you have to stop doing that or we're permitted to put you in confinement until the authorities arrive." One of the men warned her in a rather stern tone, "If you try it again, we're obligated to turn this in. Do you understand?"

"You don't understand. That's my wife and kid. I have to be back there. They need me!"

"I do understand. I also understand that there are many people in this room who are desperate to see their child or spouse, too, but do you see them trying to get back there?" She knew he was right, so she didn't respond. "It's better for you to be up here until the doctors say otherwise. You need to stay out of the way and let them work or you may never see them again. You don't want that do you?" She shook her head vigorously, "Then stay here. Can you do that for them?" A nod answered him this time. "Good. Now, we'll be right over here, so don't try again."

Beca watched as the men slowly backed away and took a seat across the room from them. They waved, informing her that they're still in fact watching her and her eyes moved around the room at the people who are still staring. "What the fuck are you all looking at? Fuck off." Simultaneously, everyone frantically moved and focused on their own thing. Letting out a long sigh, Beca pulled her phone out and took a seat. She had to call Jesse, he needed to know.

"Hello?" The voice of her boyfriend of three and half years and father to her child sounded after the third ring. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She could feel a break down coming and she was alone. Her rock was in the back of the hospital receiving treatment and she was left weak and vulnerable without her protection. "Beca? Are you there?"

"You need to come to Georgia." Beca finally mustered a sentence.

"What? Why? I'm kind of busy, so unless it's important, I can't."

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