Chapter One

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"You get the shampoo, the body wash, and the tampons. I'll get the stuff for lunches, dinner, and Beck's team party and we'll meet at the check out. Good?"

"Yes, ma'am. Beck, you go with mommy and Anne, you're with me." Beca and Chloe split the team in half to speed along their shopping. Chloe decided it best that Beck go with Beca so he can help to pick out the stuff for his team party, he joined the youth baseball league, and because he likes to play with the tampons since he has no idea of what they are used for.

After grabbing the various foods she had listed, Beca took Beck to the aisle with the child friendly party material and let him pick out a few things for his teammates. Unluckily for her, he shops like his mother, picking up everything and examining it with the upmost focus, then putting it back when he decides it isn't good enough. "Beck, come on. We're not shopping for the queen of England."

"Sorry, mommy. I hurry."

"He your son?" A woman accompanied by a boy Beck's age join them in the aisle. "Yes, he is."

"Really? He looks nothing like you."

"That's because my wife birthed him."

"Oh, so he's your wife's?"

"Yes and he's mine. The father signed over all rights, my name is on his birth certificate, and I'm raising him. Therefore, he is my son."

"I don't really see it that way. I don't care who you're married to, but reproduction needs both a male and female; therefore, the baby belongs to the man that Chloe was impregnated by. And yes, I do know Chloe. Our sons are on the same team, which you would know if you bothered to show up to a practice since you claim that he's yours." Beca bit her cheek, trying to prevent herself from causing a scene.

"With all do respect, ma'am, that's not completely true. Yes, it takes a male and female to procreate, but by law a baby can legally be the child of two of women, two men, or a man and woman who cannot reproduce on their own. If the creators of the child sign over all rights, that baby is legally no longer theirs. My baby still has her daddy because her father chooses to be part of her life, but Beck's dad wanted nothing to do with him. He cared more about money than his own beautiful creation, so yes, Beck is mine. It doesn't matter what people like you say."

"Mommy, I done." Beck dropped his choices into the shopping cart in the knick of time.  "Let's go find, momma, baby." She lifted him into the seat of the cart and began walking toward the check out, fuming from the conversation she just had.

"Woah, babe. Calm down. What's got you so rowled up?" Chloe asked the moment her wife was in her sights again. "Talk about it later. Let's just check out and get out."

That Night

Beca and Chloe laid in comfortable silence as Chloe typed away on her laptop and Beca worked on her paperwork, part of their normal nighttime routine. This time Beca was more distracted than working. With a sigh, she drops her papers and pushes her reading glasses, which she only uses at night when she's not wearing her contacts, on top of her head.

"You finally ready to talk about what happened at the store earlier?" Chloe asked, not pulling her eyes off the screen.

"Some soccer mom from Beck's team told me that Beck isn't really mine because I'm not the man who knocked you up." Chloe stopped in her tracks and looked at her wife, "That's ridiculous. Of course you are really his parent. He wanted nothing to do with him, your name is on his birth certificate, and you're raising and loving him. He's all yours. Blood doesn't make you family, love does."

"I know you're right, but it really bothered me. I mean, yeah Anne has her dad, too, but that's different. Jesse wants to be in her life."

"Baby, you're thinking too much. I know who you're talking about and, trust me, she's a huge fucking bitch. She's so preppy and annoying and thinks that her  opinion is the only right one. Blow it off, baby. I love you, Beck loves you, and if one day he wants to meet his sperm donor, we'll figure it out. But for now, who cares?" She kissed her softly, pulling a smile from the brunette.

"You're right, who cares what she thinks? But, I am going to start going to more of his practices instead of waiting for the games. I'll just bring my work home those days."

"Sounds good, baby." Chloe smiled and put her laptop away, snuggling into her wife for the night. "Hey, do you think that we should start doing that thingy we wanted to do with the kids now?"

"What thing?"

"You know, the non bio day, so we can stay close to the child that the other one birthed?"

"Oh, yeah. We should come up with a different name for that, yeah. That is a good idea. Beck is getting to that age where he'll start remembering more and more about his childhood. Let's start with those."

A small kiss sealed the deal just as the two kids in mention ran into their room. They goes and greeted the children as they snuggled into their parents and easily fell asleep. Beca and Chloe shared an adoring glance before joining their pride and joys in peaceful slumber.

Okay, this was kind of a crappy, but it's just the beginning. It's also a little happy before the real stuff hits.

More soon!

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