Chapter Eleven

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Two more months have passed and everyone's hopes for a miracle were dying more and more each day. While things on the Mitchell Homefront were thriving, with majority of Chloe's memories returned and trying to get back into her song writing, Anne still showed no progress. Her family tried their best to keep being by her side, but with the length of time it was taking they eventually had to start working again. Time may have stalled for them, but the rest of the world was still turning and they had to make money and take care of themselves or they wouldn't be able to continue to be there for the child. Especially after the news that Beca had received in the mail.

The Mitchell wives were sitting at the breakfast table carrying out their new normal morning routine. Beca had prepared a delicious breakfast fo her family before waking them up for the day. Half asleep and rubbing the tired in their eyes with the backs of their hands, Chloe and Beck took their seats, Beck shoving forkfuls of pancakes in his mouth while his momma sipped at her coffee. Beca retrieved the mail before joining the two at the table. All were silent as they ate, drank, and skimmed through envelopes. A quiet 'shit' slipped out of Beca's mouth after reading one of the letters and she excused herself from the table to make a phone call. Chloe watched through the glass door as her wife paced back and forth across the back deck with the phone pressed to her ear. A vein popped in the girl's neck and her hands waved angrily through the air, a behavior that caused concern to flood Chloe. She told Beck to get washed up for school before joining her wife on the deck once her fit ended and she surrendered her bottom to chair where he furiously raked her fingers through her hair.

"Bec?" The feisty brunette lifted her head to acknowledge her wife speaking to her, "Is everything okay?"

Beca chortled sarcastically, "Nothing has been okay for months. We all act like it, but we know it's not and that everything has just been one big shit show after another."

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"The insurance company. The fuckers aren't going to keep paying for Anne's life support."

"What?!" Chloe understood her wife's raging now.

"Like I said, one shit show after another. I don't know what we're going to do. It costs thousands of dollars each day. We're pretty well off but we can't afford that especially when we have no idea how long it will go on."

"Why are they kicking her off? I have heard of insurance paying for coma patients' life support for years and that's for adults. She's a child." Beca just shrugged. She doesn't really care about the technicalities, it happened. All she cared about now was making sure her daughter's mechanical organs continued to run for as long as possible. "Shit. How are we going to tell Jesse? He's going to be so pissed."

"And blame you, I'm sure." Beca began to pace again. She closed her eyes and tried damndest to think of something but it was useless. Like a switch had ben flipped she was boiling with anger again. She kicked the chair she once sat in sending it flying across the yard and startling the ginger. It didn't end there. She grabbed the citronella candle that sat on the porch and chucked it hard in the same direction as the chair and repeated the action with anything she could grab. She grabbed another chair and slammed it on the ground over and over again until it dismantled her hands which she then swung the remaining pieces through the air. She was throwing a full on fit and it was kind of scaring Chloe. Beca reached for something else but Chloe quickly grabbed her arms and pinned them to the girl's chest.

"Beca, stop! You're scaring me!" Beca didn't fight the restraints. Instead she dropped into the gingers arms and sat silently for a long while. She didn't cry, she didn't speak, she didn't make any sort of sound for what felt like hours. When she finally did speak she told Chloe to get Beck and meet her in the car then disappeared. Chloe did as she was told though she was frightened. She wasn't afraid of Beca, but she was afraid of her behavior. She had gone from calm to angry then back to calm then angry again and now she just seemed cold. Chloe had seen this behavior in her before back when they first met and she was afraid that she may be slipping back to that. She hoped not. She had fought so hard an for so long to break that icy exterior. She didn't know if she could do it all over again.

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