Dancing with Deception (4)

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Chapter 4 – Home Sweet Home

I had never felt more defeated in my life as I did trailing behind Prince Alexander. I had no doubt he would keep his promise, only because I knew I would be paying for my error in judgment so long as I stayed at court, that much had been clear in his eyes.

As if my goal hadn’t been hard enough before, I would now have to pretend friendship with this arrogant Prince when he already knew I despised him. Even worse was that I knew he would enjoy every second of the torment to me.

Still, unfavorable as the situation was I might be able to use it to my advantage. He was, after all, the brother of the Prince I was actually after. And I would be getting escorted to the Castle with a Prince. Even if it wasn’t the right Prince it was still sure to leave an impression.

Feeling slightly better about my prospects I clambered into the carriage, with no help from Prince Alexander, who only sat back and watched with amusement as I struggled to get in.

Well, at least I could always remember the image of his shocked face when I slapped him for moments like this.

I sat on the bench across from him and as far away as possible, but he only traded places, sitting much closer to me than necessary. I refused to give him the satisfaction of moving, though I didn’t bother to hide the look of disgust from my face.

Unfortunately this only seemed to encourage him. He put a hand on my knee, which I immediately pushed away, causing him to laugh uproariously.

“Let me guess, no other woman has refused your advances before? This day seems to be filled with disappointment for you,” I said mockingly.

“I see you don’t like me any better as a Prince.”

I scoffed, crossing my arms across my chest. “Shockingly, being a Prince doesn’t improve your personality any, or your behavior.”

Again the words were out before I could stop them, though as usual he didn’t seem to mind or be offended by my obvious hostility.

“Nor has it improved yours, which is something of a relief, I couldn’t bear for you to trouble with being kind, I know the concept is quite a stretch for you.” He placed a hand over his heart and the other on my knee again.

I shoved it off once more as the Queen climbed in and felt my cheeks reddening, hoping she hadn’t noticed.

She sat across from us and raised an eyebrow at her son, who only smiled angelically back.

She shook her head and offered me a rueful almost apologetic half smile. “He’s quite a handful I’m afraid, he gets it from his father.”

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