Meeting 'Him'.

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A certain bluenette suddenly sneeze as he quickly shook his head, his red headed friend look at him in concern as they walk to their class.

"Minoru, are you alright? Did you catch a cold?" Minoru waved his hand to reassure his friend.

"I'm fine Ryu, I think someone is talking about me....."

"If you say so...." Ryuji answered before looking away as a certain thought flash through Minoru's mind.

'Why do I get the feeling something bad is gonna happen today? -_-'


Going back to the Vongola Group, it's looks like all of them were forced to ditch school because of a certain illusionist who was eager to torture his newfound victim. Tsuna is apparently trying every method he can think off to stop the torturer.

"Mukuro-san, do we really have to do this?"

"Kufufufu~ of course we have to Tsunayoshi. After all, an impersonator made my Chrome unhappy."

"But we can't just ditch school!"

"Puh-lease Vongola, you've learned everything you need from the Arcobaleno didn't you?"

"But still!!! Reborn! Don't you have a say in this?!" Tsuna look at Reborn desperately but the hitman just shrug.

"I'm only letting this off once as I'm also curious about these impersonator...."


"See! Even the Arcobaleno agrees with me." Mukuro added as Tsuna yelled in frustration, then Takeshi asked.

"Do we even know where this guy is?"




"We don't do we?" Tsuna deadpanned.

"Haru said that the guy was a student at Ashford Academy." Reborn replied which earn a glare from Tsuna whereas Mukuro was grinning. Kyoya just 'Hn' and remain a distance away from the group.

(A/N: Only the guys are there, Ryohei, Lambo and the girls are not there.)

They continue walking for another 10 minutes until they finally reached a gate.

"Won't the guards see us?" Tsuna asked and Mukuro laugh.

"Kufufufu~ that's where illusions comes in handy~" Mukuro twirl his trident and the group was soon envelope by a purple mist, when the mist dispersed, their group disappear. Students pass by them like they're invisible, Mukuro infiltrate a student's mind and found out that his victim is currently listening to a lecture on music by Lecture Room 6.

They quickly went to the room and look in through the window. (They're outside the building.) Mukuro kept looking back and forth that he missed his victim until Hayato pointed out the guy, Tsuna, Takeshi and even Kyoya went to look at the guy and saw that the guy really did look like Mukuro.

The guy was listening carefully to the lecturer with one hand pushing up his reading glasses whereas the other hand was writing down important notes.

"He really does look like Mukuro-san!" Tsuna exclaimed.

"But the attitude does not match...." Takeshi added.

"I think that's probably the most smartest thing I ever heard from you sword-freak." Hayato said.


"Oya oya, you guys found the annoying bug already?" And Mukuro push Tsuna away slightly and look at where Minoru was.

His smirk drop.

His eyes widen.

His jaw slightly agape.

And both his hands drop to his side as his trident fall out from his hand.

Clink Klang

The four people turn to look at Mukuro and was shocked at the facial expression he displayed. Never once have they ever saw their Mist look shocked to the extent that he drop his weapon.

"Mukuro-san......?" Mukuro didn't seem to hear Tsuna as he placed a hand on the window, looking at the guy with disbelief eyes and he mumbled something that no one heard.


"Hey! How did you kids get in here?!" The group turn just in time to see a guard running up to them and that's when they decided to bail. They quickly ran and Tsuna look back to see that Mukuro still haven't move.

He quickly double back and grab Mukuro's wrist and his trident before pulling him away, that's when Mukuro finally came back to his senses and grab his trident before covering the group with his mist and erased the guard's memories of ever seeing them.



Minoru stop writing and look at the window just in time to see a shadow flash by.

'Was it my imagination? But I was sure that someone was calling me.....' Minoru disregard it as him hallucinating due to stress and went back to listening to the lecture.


The Vongola managed to make their way back to Kokuyo Land where Ryohei, Lambo, the girls and Mukuro's subordinates were waiting for them.

"So how did it go to the EXTREME?"

"Shut up turf-top!"

"Maa~ maa~ we did find him."

"Really? Then what happened, byon?"

"Er....." Tsuna rubbed his neck nervously and the group turn to look at Mukuro who had a distant look in his eyes as he stare at a corner, thinking about something.

"Mukuro-sama?" Chrome went up to him and shook his gently, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Chrome? What is it?"

"Are you okay Mukuro-sama? Did something happened?"

"Ah, it's nothing for you to worry about, my dear Chrome." Mukuro gave his usual smile to his sister figure before turning to Tsuna.

"Tsunayoshi, I thank you for following me today."

Everyone was shocked. Was it just them or did Mukuro just thanked someone?! Before they can even process what happen Mukuro added.

"I'll be in my room...." And he left, earning some concerned look from his friends.

"Vongola, what happened to him?" Chikusa asked and Tsuna just shrugged.

"He's been like that after he saw the impersonator."

"Who is that guy that made Mukuro like that, byon?"

"From what I gather, that guy was Minoru Ryota, a second-year college student at Ashford Academy. Enrolling on a music course, his family is rich and he have a friend called Ryuji Nanase who is taking a course on Technology Engineering." Reborn suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said this.

"Reborn! Where were you all this time?!" Tsuna asked but was ignored by the Spartan who added.

"Looks like there's a history between these two."

(Up Next: Knowing 'Him'.)

(A/N: Sorry if the chapter is too short......)

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