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*Prince Joshua's POV*

Ever since the day my mate ran into me. I could not stop thinking about her.

Out of sight. Out of mind.

Joshua, she was is so beautiful.

Shut up!

My wolf also was of no help in the matter. It honestly hurt me to tell her to stay away but I need to stay in my right mind to take up the legacy of being King. I could not afford distractions and she was definitely a distraction.

I sat in a meeting with my father talking to the other alphas of big packs about territory and which person got how much and who stayed off.

Currently, Blue moon had the most land and all the other alphas were not happy about it.

"But, that is not fair, your highness." Silver claw's alpha told my father.

"I know it isn't fair, but-" He stopped and looked at his watch. "Oh would you look at the time." He stood and all the alphas, even I, bowed my head. "This meeting is over. We will continue this next month" He told them.

I stood up and followed my father out of the room.

"Joshua, I would like to meet you in my study at noon." My father, said turning to face me.

I lowered my head and gave a nod. "Yes, father."

I went to my room and sat on my bed. I took a small nap.

I heard knocking on my door. I opened my eyes and groggily yelled "Come in."

The servant Natalie opened the door and told me. "His majesty is waiting for you in his study."

I nodded and got out of bed. I walked to my fathers study. I knocked on the brown double doors and heard my father's loud authoritative voice yell "Come in, Joshua."

I walked in and he stood up. I lowered my head and sat in the leather chair in front of his desk.

"You have been acting strangely." My father said as he sat down.

When he sat down I looked him in the eyes and said "I have?"

He folded his hands in front of him and nodded "Yes. Is something bothering you?"

As soon as he said that, my mate appeared in my mind. I closed my eyes and shook my head. 'Out of sight. Out of mind' I told myself.


I opened my eyes and saw my dad staring at me with a knowing look in his eyes.

He sighed and stood up and I lowered my head.

"Son, look up at me. This is coming from Father to Son." I looked at him and he had this look of understanding on his face.

He smiled and said "I know that look, I had the same look when I met your mother. I told her to stay away because I had to keep my focus on the werewolves and make sure everything was in order." His eyes glinted with happiness. "But, your mother stubborn as a bull would not give up on me. Everyday she would come to this mansion, in this very study and check on me. I would yell angrily at her but she would just forgive me and then leave." He sighed. "To this very day I don't understand why she would come back to me and check on me? I mean I was really rude to her, we had a few arguments but like I said she would forgive me and then leave." He looked down at me.

I looked up at him and said "I don't understand. Why are you telling me this?"

"Out of sight. Out of mind.' is what i told myself." He just folded his hands in front of him and said "Is that what you're telling yourself?"

I lowered my head.

"What im trying to tell you son is that I thought being on my own and running a kingdom of wolves was best when really its not." He squeezed my shoulder. "Having your mate by your side knowing that they would never betray you and is going to be your moral support through thick and thin is a nice feeling to have."

I look at him and stood up and slammed my hands down on his desk. "I don't need this." I walked out and slammed his door behind me.

"Out of sight. Out of mind. Out of sight.
Out of mind..."

*Alex POV*

I woke up expecting to smell my mothers bacon and eggs for breakfast but I instead woke up to the sound of the t.v on and to the smell of nothing.

I then remembered the events from last night.

"Oh. I have no parents." I spoke to myself. I let out a deep breath and sat up on the couch. I saw Nathan watching t.v and drinking soda. He turned and saw that I was awake and his eyes widened with happiness. "Good morning. How you feel?" he said trying to be nice.

I sighed. "My parents were murdered how do you think I feel?"

His happiness literally disappeared from his face and he replied "Like crap."

I nodded. "But, lucky for you guys, you don't have to deal with me anymore."

He looked at me with confusion written on his face. "What do you mean?"

I gave him a 'duh' look. "I am leaving." I got up and started folding the covers his mother gave me to sleep under.

"You aren't leaving, Alex. Where would you go? You got school. How would you feed yourself? How would you even survive?" He started asking questions i didn't have answers to yet.

I folded the last blanket and turned to look at him. I walked towards him and gently put my hands on his shoulders. I sighed "Yes, I am leaving. I can't stay here while you guys look at me with pity in your eyes and you can barely look at me without muttering 'sorry', and handling me like I am a very expensive fragile glass that your great great great grandmother handmade. You have no idea how tempting it is to want to stay under your care and not to worry about anything else but I would just feel like a freeloader."

"Bu-" Nate started.

"No, if ands or buts about it I am leaving and that is that." I told him.

He sighed and he looked at the black carpet but looked back up at me. "If you're leaving, I'm coming with."

I scoffed at him. "No. No,no. Absolutely not."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"But I am the beta's son. I could provide you with protection." he said.

I looked at him with disgust. "Did you seriously just say that? I can protect myself and you are not coming with."

I walked out of the home and I walked down towards my home and I could smell the blood and it instantly made me angry.

I just need clothes and I am going to find that killer and come back with their head and heart as my reward.

Don't worry mom and dad, you will be avenged.

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