Confused E.

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Jungkook's POV

"Taeeeeee!" Jimin screamed and jumped back when he threw himself at us. His lower body on me and his upper body on Jimin. Ughh, how I wish I could kill him right now! I was so close...

"Sorry if I interrupted anything." He said with his box smile.

"But Jiminie, what is this hard thing?" He asked, I looked and saw him poking Jimins abdomen.

"It's rock-hard, how long how you been working out!" He says and giggles.

"Oh, it's nothing!" Jimin answers, and did he blush? Did Park fucking Jimin blush? Huh, you don't see that every day. I kind of felt hurt, and I think hyung noticed too.

"Tae get off of me you're heavy, and yes you did interrupt. I was leaning my head on my Kookie's shoulder." He said while pouting. I just blushed at the comment and continued to watch the commercial on TV.

"Be quiet you brats, we are watching a movie." Yoongi hyung said.

"Oh, you're not asleep hyung?" I asked. He just gave me a bitchy glare. So like him.

The rest of the night continued with Tae hyung on top of us, just laying there. Jin and Namjoon hyung where sitting at the other couch talking and being hushed at from time to time. I mean, I always love movie nights, but this one was boring. C'mon, you don't expect an Avengers-fan to not have seen the movies countless times before!

I saw Tae hyung get up and leave, it's not that his heavy or something, but I felt relieved once he left. And just minutes later the movie ended so we all said our goodnights and went to our rooms.


Taehyung's POV

I was just sitting on the bed when Jungkook came to our shared room. He didn't even look at me, just went straight to the bathroom. I wonder why his like this these days. I mean no one has done him wrong, except our childish behavior and the hyungs dissing us maknae-line. Then it hits me! Ugh Taehyung your so dumb, you just had to be all touchy with Jimin, especially in front of Jungkook. It's not like we don't know about them, but for some odd reason they think no one knows.

"Kookie are you okay?" I ask when he's out the door. I actually didn't bother waiting for an answer, I just continued talking.

"I know something's up with you and Jimin, did you guys get into a fight? Or is it because he's more with me these days? I mean, we're just friends, and sorry for the scene downs—

"Oh hyung will you just shut up?" He said while falling onto his bed face down. Then he just turned and saw my face expression.

"Sorry hyung, and yes. I don't feel good these days. I mean, he still loves me right? Then why doesn't he act like it? He changed..." he didn't wait for any reply and just continued.

"I love him, and that very much. You know, he used to buy me ice cream from time to time and give me chocolate. But now must of these has stopped. Don't get me wrong, I don't love him 'cause he spoils me, no, all of you do, but these small gestures coming from him made my heart flutter, just like how it all started a few months ago." He said.

I just smiled at him, I mean Jimin is so lucky, there was so much love, affection and sparkle in Jungkook's eyes when he talked about him.

"I don't know what you should do, but one thing if for sure; go tell him the exact things you told me now, about how much you love him. Talk to him, it's the only way." I said and smiled.


Jungkook's POV

"Okay hyung, I will." I said and took my phone out and texted Jimin.

"Hyung let's practice tomorrow around 8:00 PM :)" Send, now I just have to wait for tomorrow.

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