Chapter 4 - The Strange Letter

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Dedicated to The_ImperfectOne for remembering me first after sooooo long :) Thank you!

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Still remember me? Well if you do, and you still remember what happened in this book, then HERE FINALLY IS THE 4TH CHAPTER!

I know, I've been off so much. At first it was due to school, then last month, it was because I went on vacation. But now I'm back! And I will do my hardest to upload either EVERY WEEKEND or EVERY OTHER WEEKEND.

This chapter is interesting, with a mix of things that will make you DYING for more! ^.^

Enjoy! And look out for the next one, because (spoilers) SIRIUS BLACK, REMUS LUPIN, LILY POTTER, SEVERUS SNAPE, and JAMES POTTER will be featured! You know where that will be? Yes... THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS!

(Leave a vote if you liked it! And PLEASE COMMENT! I LOVE CHATTING!)

- Fan ^.^


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IT WASN'T ANYTHING LIKE WHAT James had envisioned. No, it wasn't a bag of weightless treasures, or a family secret.

It was...

... A piece of parchment.

James gaped down into the almost empty bag. He looked up at his mother, and saw a mirror of his expression on her face also. Clearly, she had not expected the family treasure to have been a piece of paper either.

"Can I?" James asked. However, he didn't wait for an answer, but reached straight in, and drew out the folded parchment. With trembling fingers, and anticipation in his heart, he unfolded it.

The first thing James noticed was that the handwriting was familiar. Looking closer, he recognized with absolute certainty that it was his father's.

To my son,

James Potter,

By the time that you have read this, you must have realized that your curiosity has gotten the better of you. But curiosity isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, you must know that what has been left down by our ancestors shall be passed to you when you most need it, as it did for me. It is, therefore, right for me to believe that you will receive it when the time is right, and maybe, also when you least expect it. Remember that being under might sometimes be worthier than being above. Don't forget that when the time comes.

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