Chapter 3 - The Gringotts Vault

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I dedicated this chapter to omgal21 because you have made this writing journey a hell lot easier and more pleasant. Thank you! :)

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Here's the third chapter. Sorry it took so long! Remember to vote for it!

I was originally thinking of finishing his visit to Diagon Alley in this chapter, and starting James' Hogwarts journey in the next chapter, but then i decided against it. You'll see why if you read carefully. I've added a lot of awesome description about Diagon Alley, and if you think you know what it looks like, check too see if my writing matches up with it!

It's a pretty long chapter, but I would really like it you to read it carefully! There's a lot of Wizarding world stuff! Thanks!

Enjoy! Hopefully you'll have an urge to read the next one. I left you on a cliffhanger!

- Fan ^.^


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JAMES FELT HIMSELF SPINNING ROUND and round. His vision was blurred to snatches of fireplaces. They were whisked away so quickly that his brain could not process what he had seen out of the fireplaces. James spun, and although he had done this countless times before when he had been to his friends' houses, he still felt sick. Just as he was that he was about to throw up, James felt himself slowing down, the fireplaces coming more and more into focus.

Then, he stopped suddenly, and stumbled out of the fireplace. James knew where he was instantly. He was in the Leaky Cauldron.

It wasn't a bright, welcoming place. The pub was rather dingy and dark, with many rickety tables and chairs. There were about a dozen witches and wizards occupying the chairs, all drinking or smoking, and gossiping. In the center was a bar counter, and behind it stood the bartender, hunched over, and busying himself with washing glasses. James recognized the man, it was Tom.

"'Ello there, James," said Tom, looking up at him, and grinning a crooked, toothless smile. He didn't seem at all shocked that James had suddenly come out of the fireplace out of nowhere. In fact, nobody did. "Want a drink?"

"Mornin', Tom," James grinned back. "I'd better ask my mum if she'll allow me. But you know her, she definitely will... well, hopefully."

Just then, the fireplace next to him suddenly erupted bright green, and out stepped his mother.

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