Im baaackkk

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I sat down next to Liam in front of thousands of familiar faces. I watched as my Ex-mate is going to reintroduce me and my new mate. I laughed silently in my head as Brad stepped up to the microphone. They all started cheering before he silenced them in his Alpha voice.

"As you know I have invited another were to become Beta because of his vast tactic skills, and he is also arrived this afternoon. What you didn't know was his fiance was a former pack member. She will be reinstated pack status and will be treated nicely." Then he got up and went and sat down by his soon to be Luna Brooke. Fired started to boil in me. Liam took my hand and lead me up with him by the microphone. 

"Hello everyone, My name is Liam and this is my fiance Emma Evergreen." he paused as everyone started gossiping. "I will try to be the best possible Beta." He quickly sat down but left me standing. I knew he wanted me to explain everything, like why I left. I was about to open my mouth when Brooke pushed right past me and literally shoved me off the stage to get to the microphone. I forced my self not to use my powers as I hit the ground with a sick thud.

I felt immediate chaos. Then Liams warm arms wrapped me up and lifted me into the air.

"What the hell were you thinking?! How dare you throw her down, or even lay a hand on her!" Liam roared.

"Don't you yell at me! She's a dirty whore! I'm better than both of you. I'm the Alphas mate." I could literally feel the spit hitting my face. I almost laughed out loud. I tapped on Liams arm so he would put me down. He sat me straight up and I looked this hooker straight in the eye.

"Are you really calling me a whore?" My fingers invoulntarly twitched. "Look at you, your clothes look like someone grabbed them off a street hooker. And do you really think your above me." I could feel my control slipping as my wolf came over. 

How dare SHE say we are inferior! We are more powerful of them combined!

My control was slipping and I could feel my tremors in my body showing I was about to shift. I felt a warm and comforting hand on my shoulder. I let Liams scent comfort me. 

Liams POV

I watched her slowly calm down. Then the dumb slut opened her mouth again. 

"See she can't even control her temper. Look at her! Your such an immature PUP!" She finished with a sneer. I grabbed her and wrapped her in my arms to calm her. 

"HOW DARE YOU!" With a flash Brooke was hanging above the ground by her throat. "Never talk to my mate like that again! Or i'll kill you" Brad finished, his eyes glowing black. then he turned to Emma. My arms tightened around her as Brad growled mate and lunged.


I now cliffhanger but the question is should I introduce her powers no or later. 

What to do to Brooke... AWWWWW

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